"I am so glad to have you back." She said as I hugged her.

*Next Day*

"Have a great time at school!" I told Lizzie as I dropped her of at her old school.

Ugh, now I have to go to school. I am finally done walking. As if on cue as I walk in I meet the Sidemen and the Pack hanging out. (I am listening to Fancy right now and the song fits perfectly. XD)

"Hey!" I said drawing the attenion of both groups.

I wish I could have taken a picture of their reaction. Priceless.

"I am sorry to disturbe you all. You all look like you need a moment. Maybe you can think about your actions that you have done. Let me leave." I said with sass as I lightly pushed Vikk and Mitch out of my way.

I walked of. Thats what they get. I said in my video I would stand up to them. I finally did. I finally did it! I don't think it will do much though. Who cares. I feel way more confident. I went to all me classes.

*At Lunch* (So many time skips)

I sat down. Another girl and a boy sat down next to me.The girl had brown hair with blue linings. She was really pretty. (Bacca2012 Here you are. :D)

"Hello! My name is Parker Vera. I am a tomboy that likes gaming and animals. We saw you sitting here so we decided to sit with you." She explained.

"Hey! I am Kyster Cameron. I like blood and horror movies. I will stand up for people. Before you bring up parents, I want to tell that both of mine died so it won't be akward. I'm homo. I was previosly bullied but later stood up for myself." Said the boy with black hair with blue streakes. (Thats you _kristaal_ :D)

"Ok! Hello! I am Adriana Garcia. I am a gamer, dance, geek, and much more. I don't have parents either. At least one I don't kow and one is a lunatic. I have a Youtube channel with 29,000,000 subs and I am bullied by The Pack and The Sidemen." I said.

"You seem nice! BFFs?" Asked Parker, the girl.

"Totally." I said.

(I finally have another girl in my story! YAY!)

"What about me?" Kyster asked.

"You too!" I explained.

The bell rang.

"Nice meeting you all! Parker, here is my number. Kyster here it is. Text me later guys!" I said as I walked away.

*After Class*

I ran in to the Pack and the Sidemen again!

"Hey! Were sorry!" They said.

"Nice joke." I said.

"We tried. When did you get the new hair style?" Mitch asked.

"This weekend. After Simon said I hated him though I don't." I said.

"Looks better than your old pink hair." Vikk said.

"Thank you." I said with sarasm. (I just figured out something awesome while I was typing. I feel like a noob for not using it. I was so bad. :D)

Harry pushed me. I rolled my eyes. I got up.

"You think you can just push me around? To bad. I am done Harry. All of you also. You think that to have the stereotipical title of popular you have to be mean. I am starting something new. I may not fit you popular title but I am making a new one. I am the popular that includes nice people. Not the popular the is idoled only by the fact that I am mean. I guess you could say I am finally not the geek that you personify me as." I said.

The group as a whole looked overall confused. They didn't know if they should laugh or be mad. Ethan stepped forward.

(I am just going to say that Harry is one of my favorites in the Sidemen but I imagine him more evil than nice so he will be mean. I got 1,130 words!)

"She is right. I am with her. She is an amazing person. I am now with Audrey." He said.

Tobi stepped up. So did Josh. They had the bigest grins on their faces. I nearly started to cry out of happiness. The Pack just walked away. The Sidemen just stayed there. To surprised to move.

"It is all you fault." Simon said as he pushed me down and left. The rest of the Sidemen left too.

"Friends?" I said with a major smile.

"Friends." They said as we hugged.

I guess I gained a lot of new friends today.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Favorite and comment! I got a new iPhone 6 so I can write on my phone. BAI!

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