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SCARLETT was squished in the back of Kyler's jeep as they watched Bloodsport. Tory was on one side of her and Robby on the other. Kyler sat up front with another guy from the dojo. Kyler laughed as the guys on the screen fought, "Hey, I'm feeling this movie, man. This Jean-Claude Van-" he cut himself off as the guy on screen punched the other in the private area, "Damn! Right in the nuts!"

Scarlett chuckled at them as Robby looked over her shoulder at Tory, "Not into the movie?"

Tory looked at it, "Oh it's fine. I just had a shitty day," Scarlett gave her a small smile. She felt somewhat responsible for her sister's behaviour.

"I'd ask but it's none of my business," Robby shrugged causing Scarlett to elbow him lightly.

Kenny came around the car, handing the stuff he had ordered to the other car of Cobra Kai students. Kyler started to mess around with him and ordered a large number of things that Kenny surely couldn't hold or remember.

Robby exited the jeep and spoke to him, "Hey. Don't worry about him, hazing the new guy. It's a good thing."

"It is?" Kenny asked.

Robby smiled, "Yes. Trust me, it's a lot less dangerous than what I had to do. Just keep your head up, you'll earn respect. Got it." Kenny nodded, "And, um, get me a Butterfinger."

Scarlett leaned out of the window, "I wouldn't mind popcorn." She smiled lightly at him and he nodded. Kenny smiled at the two and walked off as Robby got back into the car.

A few minutes later, Robby looked out of Tory's window, "That piece of shit," he muttered, getting out once more. Both girls looked before also getting out. A few Miyagi-Do students were standing around Kenny who stood in front of a pile of wasted food, that he no doubt dropped by the look on his face.

"Traitor," Scarlett heard Nathaniel say.

"Oh there's a traitor here for sure," Tory drawled as they walked up, "He's gonna get what he deserves." She was obviously talking about Hawk as he stood with the group. It seemed as though she wasn't happy that he had switched teams last minute.

"I don't think so," Sam stated as she came up, "Not if I have anything to say about it, Princess."

"You're one to talk," Scarlett chuckled, "Daddy's little princess."

"And Daddy's little reject," Sam shot back. Everyone looked between the two sisters in shock. No one thought that Sam could be so ruthless in her words, especially to her sister, but clearly, they were wrong. However Scarlett was unfazed, she was used to her sister's insults.

The two groups glared at each other heatedly until Dimitri walked forward, unsuspectingly, "Hey, guys. Can you believe that they have Mr Pibb and Dr Pepper?" Both groups turned to look at him and he groaned, "Oh shit. Not another rumble." Scarlett rolled her eyes at his idiocy.

"Careful LaRusso. Your mommy isn't here to play peacemaker," Tory teased.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sam asked. Scarlett chuckled. She clearly didn't know that their mother was trying to make peace with Tory. At some point, she would through it in her sister's face and hopefully witness the drop in her demeanour.

"Guys stop. Ok, we can't do this," Miguel said, "We'll beat 'em on the mat." He stated it so confidentially that Scarlett almost laughed. There was going to be no way that they would beat Cobra Kai, especially with the fact that she and Robby had taught the group Miyagi-Do moves.

"Oh really? You do remember what happened the last time we fought, right?" Robby questioned. Scarlett's mind flashed with memories of the fight and she frowned slightly. She knew Robby wasn't exactly proud of pushing Miguel off the bannister and would absolutely take it back if he could. But for now it was a good way to shut up the other team.

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