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SCARLETT hesitantly approached the party, raging outside of Miguel's apartment. As she walked toward it, she saw her sister standing near the dumpster, tears streaming down her face. 

She really didn't want to talk to Sam and would've rather taken Miguel or Robby, but she was the closest and the girl didn't feel like walking through a bunch of people who hated her. 


Her twin turned at the sound of her voice, immediately raising her fists. Scarlett let out a sound in between a scoff and a chuckle, "Really?"

"What are you doing here?" Sam snapped. 

"I'm not here to fight. I need to talk," Scarlett explained. Sam assessed her sister quickly. She was standing in a non threatening stance with a casually annoyed look on her face. One that she always had around her. 

"About what?"

"You didn't lose the All Valley," Scarlett said softly, "Silver cheated. He paid off the ref. He had Kreese arrested for assault. I tried to stop him and I went to Kreese to ask for advice but he's blown me off and I need to get out."

Sam looked her up and down before attacking. Scarlett stepped back quickly, dodging the kick sent her way. Someone in the background yelled fight and people flooded toward them as Sam shouted, "You knew that Silver cheated at the All Valley and you did nothing?" Sam pushed her backwards and Scarlett ultimately just took it, knowing she deserved what was coming. 

"You know nothing. You don't know what it's like to be there, to deal with what I've dealt with," Scarlett responded. Sam punched and Scarlett intercepted, twisting her around and dodging her next few strikes. 

However, she left her midsection open and Sam kicked her into the dumpster. Scarlett coughed as the wind was knocked from her lungs but barely had time to recover as Sam attacked her again. 

"Our family has suffered because of you!" Sam yelled.

"Because of me! You think yourself so high and mighty. I have been loyal to our family but where was yours, to me. Everything I do is trampled under your pretty foot. And I am tired of it!" Scarlett screamed as Robby and Miguel stepped in, "You are a poison upon my existence and... God how I wish it was only me."

Miguel held the girl back as she tried to attack Scarlett, "Sam stop."

"She's been working with Kreese this whole time."

Robby looked at her in confusion and slight betrayal, "What?"

"Why did you only come forward now? Huh? Because you're a coward."

Scarlett shook her head as the people around them laughed, "I should've known better than to think you'd understand. Screw you, Sam. I'll figure it out on my own like I always do."

The girl left, getting into her car. She wiped away the tears that had unintentionally fallen down her face and pulled out of the lot. 

The next morning, the girl ran drills on the Cobra Kai mat. Her stomach pained with her fight the night before, but she couldn't show any weakness, not with Silver already pissed about her leaving the fight the day before. 

"LaRusso," Kim snapped, "Double time." 

She could hear the senseis whispering about her, but frankly, she didn't care. All she cared about was getting out of the dojo and staying the hell away for the rest of her life. 

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