Jingyi when hears it jumps in excitement and exclaims, "Yipeeee, finally I can meet Jin Ling."
Wuxian who hears it smiles and speaks, "yes son"
"Pa, when we are leaving?" asks Jingyi
"Day after tomorrow, in the morning" speaks Wuxian.
"Okay" speaks Jingyi with understanding.

Yang and Xingchen were bewildered to hear this and they wanted to know the reason for this sudden return but they can't speak in front of Jingyi, so Yang looks at Xingchen, who understand his husband's gaze speaks, "Jingyi"
Jingyi was beaming with excitement when hear his uncle calling him so he looks in his uncle direction and speaks, "yes jiu"
"Jingyi your books are still on the dining table, pick them up!" Supplies Xingchen.Jingyi who hears it nods his head in understanding and leaves the room leaving the three elders.

Yang after making sure that Jingyi had exited the room speaks, "Wuxian!"
"What?" Asks Wuxian.
"You know what we want to know," says Yang.
Wuxian releases a breath and speaks, "Wei corporation Annual General Meeting is on Monday"
"I am required to attend it. I was not there for the last 8 years which has led to trust issues among the shareholders and they are demanding my presence in this AGM" replied Wuxian in an indifferent tone.

Yang who hears it furrows his brows as he speaks, "Cheng can handle them as he is doing from past years"
"I also said the same but he says that there is some internal dispute for power which I have and my presence can only solve it."
"But Wei Ying-"
"Yang, I know you are worried for me but I need to go as that company is the result of the hard work of my father and the only thing which was left by my parents for me. I can't let their hard work go in vain" replies Wuxian with a smile.

Xingchen who was listening to the two quietly speaks, "will you be fine?"

Wuxian who hears it closes his eyes as some memories which are buried deep inside him just come to the surface. The memories which still haunt him, the memories which he wants to forget but is not able to. As he closes his eyes only one sound is ringing in his ears,

"Stay away from my son"

"If you want him to be happy, leave him"

Wuxian when remembers it clenches his fist tightly and tries not to tear up because it still hurts.

"Wei Ying, are you alright," asks Xingchen as he sees his cousin in a daze. Wuxian on hearing his cousin composes himself and speaks, "yaa, I am fine and I will be alright Ge"
Xingchen was about to say something but he feels someone holding his hand and as he looks at it he finds his husband holding him. Yang when sees Xingchen looking at him just shakes his head indicating not to speak. Xingchen on seeing his husband's gaze stops, whereas Yang looks at Wuxian speaks, "okay, but promise me if anything happens, you will call me."
Wuxian nods his head and exits the room.

"Wuxian nods his head and exits the room

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The clock was striking at 9:00 pm and wangji was in his son's room putting his son to sleep after a tiring day as today Shizui demanded his father's presence all day and Wangji gladly accepted it

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The clock was striking at 9:00 pm and wangji was in his son's room putting his son to sleep after a tiring day as today Shizui demanded his father's presence all day and Wangji gladly accepted it. After making sure Shizui has slept, Wangji after giving a forehead kiss to the boy leaves the room.

He enters his study to check his office mails and some files when he hears a knock on the door. Wangji straightens himself and speaks, "come in"
As the door opens, a young man with a smile is revealed.
"Dage, you back" speaks Wangji when he sees his brother entering the office.
"yes, wangji" speaks Lan Xichen.
Wangi hummed in response as Xichen settles himself on one of the couches.
"Has Shizui slept?" Asks Xichen.
"Yes dage" replies Wangji while busy with his laptop.
Xichen releases a breath and after a few minutes, speaks "wangji"
Wangji on hearing his name looks at his brother and speaks, "yes, dage"
"Cheng called me" supplies Xichen to his brother.
As soon as Wangji hears the name he closes his laptop and concentrates on his brother.
Xichen on seeing his brother gaze speaks,



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That's for today...

What do you say?
Will wangji attend the AGM?

Hope you will like this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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