Chapter Eighteen: Sp̸ơ̧͞r̷̡t̨s̶͞ ̵̛͘F̀e͜s̕t̵͟i͝v͘a͡l (3)

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Phasing through wall after wall, blind to everything except his goal in his rush to get back to the booth, Izuku made his way as quickly as he was able. He split off with Kacchan once he settled in the waiting room with his water, typing a goodbye and good luck before leaving his best friend to prepare as much as possible. His match would start in only a few minutes, and now that he no longer had the distraction of Kacchan's gentle nagging, the pressure of being all alone was creeping back up on him. Thankfully the promise of Aizawa staying put was helping him stay calm as he made his way back, knowing for sure that the teacher would be in the same spot he left him in. Aizawa wouldn't ever break a promise.

He charged through another wall and had to stop almost immediately after, blinking disorientingly in the sudden, bright light of the sun. Rubbing at his eyes, he glanced around nervously, trying to find some kind of landmark. Instead he found contrasting white and red hair just a ways from him in the crowd. It wasn't Aizawa, but the Hero Course was just as comfortable of a place, just as safe, and the stands were closer to the action anyway. Izuku made his way over.

Shouto, upon closer inspection the closer he got to the bleachers, was frowning at the sky, looking very distracted. Uraraka and Iida seemed deep in conversation, and many members were glaring over at the group of students next to them. Worry pulled at his shoulders. He floated over to Shouto, gently tapping his friend's arm, and Shouto slowly relaxed as his head swiveled back and forth, instinctually looking for him.

Hi Izuku! Uraraka chirped. He could see goosebumps rise on her skin, and he wondered if that was how she knew he was here. She sent a bright smile to thin air, and even though her aim was a little off, it was reassuring all the same, especially compared to the uncomfortable atmosphere of the bleachers. Did you watch the cavalry battle?

Yes! he said back, laughing. He had missed a bit of it in his panic, but with Aizawa's help he managed to calm down to see most everything else. Everyone had been incredible with their Quirks, placing their mark in the eyes of pros everywhere, just like he expected them to, and he was so proud of all of them. He poked rapidly at Shouto's left arm, just as usual, and gently poked at Uraraka as well, excitedly giggling.

Izuku! Sero shouted from behind them, and Izuku turned, beaming. Hey! Did you see us?

He did, Shouto responded for him, rubbing at the arm he had poked, but Shouto was smiling. Uraraka just asked him.

Kirishima, sitting next to Sero, grinned. So that's why he was giggling, huh? Glad you enjoyed it! Are you excited for Bakubro's match?

He raced over to Kirishima and gently smacked his arm with both hands quickly, not sure how else to get his point across. Kirishima cracked up at the response.

Izuku laughed too, happy to be with his friends.

Katsuki stepped up on the platform that acted as their ring, eyebags grinning smugly across from him. The rules were briefed for the crowd, then the match began with little fanfare.

Shinsou opened his mouth to speak. Katsuki grinned, feral, as he charged over to his classmate.

Katsuki wasn't stupid. He'd been paying attention to the fucker's Quirk all semester, and there was no way he'd give him a chance to speak. He came up on Shinsou quickly and led with a strong left hook into a flurry of punches. Shinsou scrambled to dodge them, not expecting Katsuki to push so early, trying his damndest to keep his distance. Katsuki met him, pace for pace, mini explosions crackling in his palms as he slowly forced Shinsou to walk backwards.

Shinsou's biggest weakness was combat, even with the training over the course of the semester. His Quirk was in no way physical after all, and didn't give him any physical bonuses.

Hauntingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें