Chapter Twenty-One: Sports Festival (6)

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Katsuki stood across from Tail in the arena, eyes narrowed at his straight posture and sharp eyes. Anyone from his class - no matter who it was - couldn't be underestimated. Everyone was smart, creative.

He was no exception of course, but he knew he couldn't slack off. Admittedly, Tail had a lot more karate techniques mastered than himself, and Katsuki wasn't fighting for only him anymore. Deku was expecting him to go as far as he was able, and Katsuki wouldn't let him down, not again. The goal was first place, and while Icyhot would be an inevitable issue, he had to make it to Icy Hot to begin with.

The match started. Neither of them made a move, eyeing each other warily, analysing and contemplative. Katsuki had ideas, but without anything to go off of he was a bit at a loss. He had never fought Tail one on one before, and while he had seen quite a few of the moves he made on Round Face, he didn't know if Tail would even risk doing the same moves on him.

Tail ended up moving first, quick and light on his feet. He closed in on Katsuki in seconds, and it seemed as though he had paid close attention to Eyebags and his fight since he mirrored Katsuki's own strategy. He punched swiftly and rapidly, forcing Katsuki to duck and weave around the flurry of punches. The difference, however, was Tail's incorporation of his feet as well as his fists, and it threw Katsuki off of his rhythm, letting a solid kick nail him in the shoulder and knock off his balance. Tail used the opportunity to strike his side - the same move he'd made with Round Face for the finishing blow - and the familiar stance had Katsuki instinctually blocking, his arms taking up most of the blow. Explosions set off from his palms, and Tail quickly withdrew from the sparks and flames to save his arm. Katsuki took the moment to orientate himself, regaining balance and sending a quick explosive punch straight at Tail's face. It forced him to move even farther backwards, and sensing the change in strategy, Katsuki pushed forward.

Tail managed to catch him off guard with his kicks, but Katsuki would only make that mistake once.

He couldn't outmatch Tail in hand-to-hand combat - as bitter of a pill as that was to swallow. The only move he could reliably make was catching Tail off guard with his Quirk. They'd be locked in a stalemate at best if they kept this up, and Katsuki would tire out and lose at worst.

Katsuki braced himself and dodged as Tail sent a couple jabs his way, and Katsuki felt as though the stadium and crowds faded away as his sight zeroed in on Tail, hyper focused. They traded blows, Katsuki just barely managing to match the martial artist's pace. His arms pulsed from the jabs he had blocked earlier, and the punches to them now weren't helping matters. He would send a few small explosions when he needed a breather, but it was only for a moment then Tail was back in his personal space. Katsuki was getting frustrated very quickly, and he struggled to keep calm and focused, growing more and more sloppy the longer he was strung along.

Katsuki knew he couldn't keep this up. He needed an opening - just one.

His wishes were granted when Tail made another move to give a strong kick to Katsuki's knee to knock him off balance again. He was ready for it. He sent an explosion towards the limb as a punishment for the maneuver, and Tail couldn't pull back in time, too into the motion to fully stop his momentum, leg getting burned and synged. Tail hissed and yanked his leg back a little too late, and Katsuki took the opportunity for what it was, quickly attempting to mimic Tail's hand position and posture to use his own jabs against him. He feigned aiming at Tail's side, and only when Tail went to block the attack did Katsuki shift to a quick throat punch. Tail gagged, gasping, and Katsuki took a step back and punched Tail in the jaw hard with crackling pops in his palms, sending Tail sprawling onto his back, unconscious.

Breathing hard and sweating, Katsuki stood and braced himself for Tail to get back up, only for Midnight to announce that Tail was unable to fight. Katsuki relaxed, wincing at the bruises his opponent had given him, rolling his shoulders. He let out a soft breath of relief.

Hauntingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें