Chapter Sixteen: Sports Festival (1)

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The class of 1-A was tucked away in a waiting room, listening for the moment they would be called to exit.

Some, like Kaminari and Mina, were waiting anxiously, unable to sit still as they paced or restlessly stretched off to the side. Some, like Bakugo and Koda, were settled at the table, outwardly calm and patient. Todoroki had his normal stone-like features, unreadable, staring thoughtfully at the rapidly flickering lights as he leaned against the wall.

Izuku was hovering about the ceiling, unable to curb his excitement as he giggled away, the lights reacting to his restless energy.

Kacchan was about to enter the Sports Festival. They had both dreamed of this moment as kids, whispering to each other in the dark about hero titles and super moves and talking about who they'd want attention from, but seeing Kacchan actually here was a whole new experience in of itself. It sent thrums of energy into his bones that Izuku hadn't felt in years.

He was excited for all of them. Pro heroes all over the world would have their eyes on the event, and Izuku was sure each and every one of them would leave their own unique fingerprint. He couldn't wait to see how.

He lowered himself next to Kacchan, brushing the back of his neck with a light touch and making the blonde shiver with the cold of it. He shot a smirk over his shoulder anyway, and Izuku grinned wide. He moved over to Shouto next, tapping at his crossed arms. Shouto's passive face changed to one of realization, and he uncrossed them, a small smile pulling at his lips as his eyes darted around the room, searching. Izuku floated back up to the ceiling, wondering if he should send a similar message of good luck to Mina and Kaminari especially, but Izuku hadn't interacted with them much and wasn't sure the message would get across. The last thing he wanted to do was set them on edge even farther right before the event started.

Izuku enjoyed his pranks, but he knew there was a time and place.

The intercom clicked on, telling them to head out. There was a brief pause as everyone gathered their wits, courage and strength, then they stood up from their chairs and straightened their backs.

Class 1-A walked into the arena with their heads held high, their invisible plus one a silent but easily felt cheerleader.

The stadium was huge, one gigantic circle that stretched up into the sky and was peppered with tiny specs that sat in the bleachers. A platform was set up in the center of the circle, with Midnight grinning widely on top of it, hands settled on her hips. The other classes were already gathered and waiting for them, a mass of students hovering in one anxious cloud.

Class 1-A made their way over. Izuku, however, had spotted the commentator's booth, and he flew up with a childish cackle.

Aizawa had been spotted.

The second Izuku was eye level with the man, his face shifted into a mixture of resignation and subdued amusement. Izuku only waved at him with a giggle, that renewed energy flooding in his veins and making the machines in the room malfunction for a moment. Present Mic fiddled with the technology, muttering under his breath, while Eraserhead gave him the most unimpressed stare Izuku had seen yet.

In Izuku's defense, the stadium really was huge and he needed a good vantage point. If he floated aimlessly in the sky it would give him a disorienting feeling of unnatural weightlessness - this was the perfect compromise.

Hopefully the machines won't give out while we're talking, Aizawa stated flatly, still looking at him, and Izuku understood what he said between the lines. If the machines gave out during the festival, it'd cause some serious problems, so keep it under control. Izuku gave the man a slightly cockeyed salute in return and floated by, brushing shoulders with him to make the teacher shudder with cold chills. Izuku giggled, ignoring Present Mic's wide eyes as he whipped his head around the room for the source of the voice, probably surprised Izuku was there at all.

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