Chapter Fourteen: Visit

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Toshinori was avoiding Class 1-A. Shame burned white hot in his stomach because of it, but it was the truth. How could he enter that room knowing what he did? How could he face that poor child?

He had failed Midoriya Izuku, and it was tearing him apart.

As much as Toshinori wanted to avoid the situation all together, there was a lingering hope, that maybe, just maybe , it hadn't been his soul crushing words that pushed Midoriya, and he desperately - perhaps selfishly - clung to that hope. Maybe Toshinori was just overthinking things, as he tended to do, right? Maybe Midoriya had a poor heart, or a car crash had taken the boy's life.

Anything. Anything else .

In the end he asked the police to pull up Midoriya Izuku's file, and being All Might he wasn't questioned on his sudden interest. Toshinori excused himself, shielded from prying eyes in a secluded room no one was using. He regretted many, many things as soon as he opened the vanilla folder.

Izuku Midoriya, young and bright eyed, freckles peppering his cheeks with a smile full of hope stared up at him, and Toshinori stared at the picture until it left an after image in his vision. The date of his death was familiar, ringing bells in a way Toshinori knew was substantial, and thinking on it at all dredged up clearer memories than before now that he had a proper face to the name.

It was a fan gathering. It was towards the end, he was trying to slip away from the bustling crowds, he managed to flee into an empty alley and then - and then Midoriya showed up. Clutching a notebook tight, the starry eyes and tense posture of a loyal fan. He had asked for an autograph, awestruck. Toshinori was exhausted, his time running out quickly, but he signed it. He couldn't say no to the young boy.

That had been a mistake.

Midoriya talked. He rambled and raved, stuttering over his words and fiddling with his hands as his gaze darted about the alley, like he didn't think he was worthy enough to look at Toshinori for long. Even when he got his notebook back - hero notes for the future Vol. 11, Toshinori noted with amusement and intrigue - Midoriya just kept talking , as if he would physically explode if he made himself stop. There was a brief warning, Toshinori's body seizing, then he lost his form with a burst of smoke and steam. When the air cleared, Midoriya's confusion had turned into shock which turned into a mixture of horror and heavy concern.

Toshinori knew this young child didn't need the burden of knowing the Symbol of Peace was gravely injured. He reassured the boy he was fine, insisted it was part of his Quirk - which wasn't a lie, per se, it was now it just wasn't meant to be - and went to send him on his way.

Midoriya paused, then his gaze dropped to the floor and he - and he spilled his heart out. Begged his idol to affirm that everything he strived for wasn't for naught, that everyone else was wrong for thinking his dreams were unachievable.

Toshinori stared at the picture on the file, the only thing left of Midoriya as he was meant to be, and swallowed hard.

He had ripped that dream from Midoriya's shaking hands and stomped on it.

But - but he had just wanted the boy safe. He just wanted him safe . He had been so young he - the hero world was a cruel place - Quirkless on top of it? Midoriya would've never survived out there.

A harsh voice in his head, quiet but cruel, chimed in. Well what a great job you did, speeding the process up.

Toshinori could taste blood on his tongue, and he braced himself for the coughing fit that washed over him, barely able to avoid making a mess on the rug underneath his feet.

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