36 | S H A D O W S O N T H E W A L L S

Start from the beginning

"I'm not allowed to touch you?"

"I never said that—"

"So why can't I—" Erik was cut off by the feeling of Mbali's lips quickly pressing against his. A playful smile was on her face as she took his chin between her thumb and index.

"Can I tell you the truth? That's been really hard to keep from you all morning?"

Erik's face fell, and worry washed over him.

Mbali's expression was dull, and each time he searched her eyes for any thoughts or emotions, he couldn't get any. It made him believe that she was more than likely thinking nothing, or found a way to shut him out.

"I didn't shut you out." She quickly shot down his one thought. "I don't think that's possible, but do you want to know the truth or no?"

"Are you okay?"


"Then what is it?" He huffed, still feeling slightly on edge.

Mbali found his hands and laced her thin fingers between his large calloused ones before bringing them towards her chin. "I also talked to T'Challa this morning, while you were asleep... and he told me that you've been worried about me— and that's been very obvious." She looked up at the large man in front of her.


"And I told him that since I had to find out that today was your birthday, I wanted to do something very nice... very intimate you for since it's your birthday. It's very last minute, and I know you don't like surprises... I-I really tried to play it off like it wasn't anything serious."

"Baby... you're rambling."

"I talked to everyone I could get, and a birthday dinner is planned for you... for later. Nothing too big and fancy,  just family." Mbali spat out as quickly as she possibly could. "Are you okay with that? Even though it's last minute? It's very private, very intimate."

It warmed Erik's heart to know that she could pull something off so last minute.

"I made sure everything was done correctly; the only thing I couldn't do was get Sage and Y'lan here due to the borders being closed and everything..."

She was nervous.

Erik listened to her continue to ramble a few seconds more before pressing his lips to hers, leaving three solid pecks against them. "Thank you. You didn't have to, but thank you."
His hand cradled the back of her neck and tilted her head so that they were making direct eye contact.

Mbali looked up at Erik and felt her cheeks start to burn. "I— okay." Her heart began to beat faster.

Erik chuckled, trying to keep her gaze on him. "You getting nervous on me?"

Mbali smiled and continued to try and look away, only for Erik to continue to put himself in her view. "It's the intense eye contact."

"We've held eye contact like this before, though."

"Not with this much emotion in them."

"S'that a bad thing?" He hummed, kissing her sweetly.

"A beautiful thing," Mbali pressed her hand against his jaw. "And a scary one." A huff came from Mbali's lips, feeling Erik's hands cup under her thighs and place her on the counter.

Deciding to save that part of the conversation for later, Erik filled the space between Mbali's legs with his own presence, as she held the bottom of his shirt in her hands. The air around them started to thicken and their touches became hungrier before Mbali pulled away. Erik hummed, throwing his head back.

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