23 | J E A L O U S Y

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A woman is like a bee treat her well and she will make honey, treat her badly and she will go wild.

- African Proverb



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"Here you go." The older woman who everyone just referred to as Kashi, put our dishes in front of the both of us, nodding happily. Probably at the fact that she had a prince in her restaurant. Kashi was older than Ramonda, and kept her hair wrapped in a silk red scarf— mainly so that everyone could know what tribe she was from. Kashi was like everyone's mom and grandmother. She took care of you, fed you, gave you advice, and still would beat the hell out of you if you did anything that went agains the natural order of things here.

"Thank you, Mrs. Kashi." I smiled at her and she pinched my cheek before doing the same to his. Surprisingly, he let her. But I knew he had respect for his elders; so even if he didn't want to, he would let her. He smiled and gave her a quick 'thank you' before she walked away.

He finally ordered something different from what he would normally get. This time, it was something with goat in it; but I kept it basic with my usual order. He didn't touch his food yet, but instead he just looked at me with his head slightly cocked.

"What?" I frowned.

"I'm not eating till you say what you wanna say. Every time I wanna eat, you wanna ask me questions." He shrugged and leaned back in his chair. Since it was getting late, the Sky was getting darker and darker by the minute.

"You already know what I wanna ask, so why don't you just get to it?"

"Cause I'd rather hear it come out your mouth... or your mind— either is fine with me." He joked with a sly smirk on his face.

Huffing, I pushed a stray braid that was coming from my head behind my ear. "Fine. Tell me the truth, what was that about?"

His jaw clenched slightly before looking at me and cutting his eyes again. "Night terrors." He picked at his food.

"About the wars you fought in?"

He nodded his head. "It's like I'm reliving it, so my body just reacts to it." He said like it was a normal thing. For him it probably was, but still. "It's not like that every night, but some nights get harder than most. I just push through it."

"I know you could probably care less about what I think, but I don't like the fact that it happens to you. I'm sure T'Challa could find something—"

seasons | killmongerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora