"What took you so long? Lead the way." I seethed and he soon walked infront of me, holding his cheek as he led the way. ]

Before I could even enter another building next to the packhouse, I could smell a filthy and disgusting smell of sweat and blood, making me cringe and stop in my tracks. 

Soon, a hand was outstretched to me from my side and I looked up to see Tyler offering me medicine. 

"It will weaken our sense of smell for an hour and wear this, just in case." He held a black mask in his other hand and I looked at him gratefully. 

"Thank you." I swallowed the medicine and wore the mask and Tyler did the same. 

The effect was almost instant and I no longer smelt the disgusting smell and I was beyond thankful. On the other hand, I could feel the jackass taking a deep breath, making me almost want to puke. 

Is this guy for real? Did he just do what I think he did? He is insane. 

He opened the door which led to a place that looked like an underground; most probably the prison. I wanted to visit the prison because most of them were innocent ones who either went against the previous alpha of the jackass for all these years. 

Whatever their crime might have been for the punishment they got over the years, I am sure most of them have pure and better hearts than these beasts. 

After a long set of stairs, we were finally down and I cringed at the sight infront of me. Blood was everywhere with dim lighting hung infront of the cells. 

I could hear people crying, some screaming in agony at the far end of the room and some groaning in pain. I clenched my jaw as I took every step forward. As we entered, a man came running and stopping infront of us to bow and report for duty. 

The man was holding a file in his hands and he explained the reasons behind everyone behind the cells. The reasons were pretty unreasonable. 

Some were here because they happened to spill damn water on the jackass while they were cleaning or cooking. 

Some were tortured because the newborn pup won't stop crying, disturbing everyone's sleep. 

Some were told they were here, punished every day because they went against the previous and current alpha. 

I asked them about their method of torturing prisoners and I felt so grateful that Harry and Xavier had so much humanity in them not to push us harder. 

Are these people even human? They are of the same species; how could they do those cruel things to them?

As we walked past countless cells filled with innocent people, there was one of them who caught my attention from the description. He's the son of the previous Beta who was beheaded for going against Arthur when he took over his position as the alpha of Bloodlust pack. I was so proud of him when I heard that he was punished for going against them. 

I know that it's very selfish of me to be proud and feel happy but I did. I thought I would have to look around alot to find the right alpha and beta of the pack but it looks like I've met the perfect candidate. 

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