Chapter 14

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Jessica's POV

"Oh My Fucking God!" I yelped and sat upright as an ear-piercing alarm went off, echoing through the whole building. I groaned and looked at my phone which was lying on the night stand. Fucking four in the morning! Are they kidding me? Could I have slept an hour longer?

I consider myself an early bird and I am quite a light sleeper, so the alarm got me fully awake and I couldn't shake off the annoyance creeping up through my veins. No one messes with me when I am asleep. 

It doesn't matter if a second is left before the time I am supposed to wake up. It just doesn't matter I am an early bird; I need to get my beauty sleep for at least eight hours. Or else, you will have to deal with grumpy Jessica and it isn't something you would want to experience.

"Time to wake up. We have a lot of stuff to do so get your ass off the bed." "But seriously, Harry. Could you have woken me up an hour later? Did you really have to wake me up this early?" Harry shrugged and leaned against the door frame. 

"Why do you think I told you to get enough sleep yesterday? Besides, Xavier wanted you up at four, not my fault you didn't get your beauty sleep. It's time for breakfast, you have ten minutes to get ready." he then just disappeared through the thin air, leaving me gaping like an idiot.

I groaned and left the bed, going to the bathroom to take a quick shower and follow my usual morning routines. I didn't care if I had ten minutes to get ready because they had already woken me up an hour early so they wouldn't get to tell me what to do.

I got out of the room, after I was done dressing and walked towards the kitchen which was just straight ahead. There sat Harry and Xavier talking about something and empty plates in front of them. 

"It's your breakfast. You've fifteen minutes to finish them as the training starts in twenty minutes." Harry said looking at his watch and I just rolled my eyes. "You don't tell me how long I've got to do this and that. It's all up to me so stop ordering me around." I said before sitting down and stuffing my mouth with cereal.

"That's a pity though cause Damon told me if you were to ever go against the order or the schedule laid out by him, you won't get the meal planned out for you. I remember lasagna and roasted chicken was one of them." Harry hummed and walked away, making me look up at him with wide eyes.

"Where would you even get the chicken? Aren't we prohibited from going out where we could be seen by people?" "Only you, hon. I and Xavier are free to go out into the city as we please." I looked at Xavier who was sitting opposite to me and he smirked at me.

 I haven't talked to him ever after I've reached this so-called hide-out and these bitches are having fun, ordering me around. I ignored his comments and continued eating my cereal. It didn't take long for me to finish my breakfast since I was starving. 

"So, what now? What has my dear mentor got for me after my breakfast?" I asked Xavier and shot him a fake smile. "You have five minutes to brush your teeth and change into sportswear." He walked away as he said it and I rolled my eyes once again as I made my way towards my room.

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