Chapter 2

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When I got back, my mother was giving me so cold a stare that it could have frozen the midday sun.

            “What took you so long? I managed to buy all of the items in the time it took you to get 3 tomatoes. A good wife should never dilly-dally.”

            Here we go again.

            “Mother, I’m sorry. Some issues came up. But please, can we just get the shoes quickly?” The last thing I need is another “good wife” lecture. What I really need is some peace and quiet to think about how I am going to ditch the new suitor, Lord Kieran.

            “I see. I understand your impatience to see your future husband. If you want to see him that badly, we will leave after making a quick stop at home to drop off the items.”

            How did my mother come to that conclusion!?

            “No, wait! That’s not what I meant!” But it was too late. She was already strolling towards the shop at a faster pace.

            Now, I will have no time to think of a plan, well, at least not a good one.

Blast this suitor and his stupid riches!

I ran to catch up with her, and we entered the shop. The front of the shop had pairs of shoes that were on display, from pink laced ballet shoes to thick working boots.

The shopkeeper, Finley, greeted us as we came in.

            Finley was short with gray hair, and was probably the oldest person in the town. He had on his cream-colored apron and he had a mallet in his hand, so I am suspecting we interrupted him on his work.

            “What can I do for you two fine ladies?” Finley set down the mallet and began untying the apron.

            My mother wasted no time on causalities, and, as usual, got straight to the point.

 “We would like a pair of pretty shoes for this girl, preferably green or black” She motioned to me, and the shopkeeper bent down to measure my foot size.

 After a few moments, Finley stood up.

“I have the perfect pair. Follow me.”

Finley started walking towards the back of the store, where all the shoes were lined up in boxes of many colors, sizes, and shapes.

“Did you make every one of these?” I asked, gazing in wonder at the lines of boxes.

“Yes I did, miss. Each one crafted by hand, and made with care.” Finley stopped in front of a blue box around my shoulder level.

“Here we are” He opened the box, and inside it was one of the prettiest pairs of shoes in the world. The slippers were green satin, with golden and silver swirls interlaced at the tip. The swirls twirled down the sides of the slippers to end with a flourish at the heel. The shoes looked like they stepped out of a fairytale.

My mother did not seem awed at all.

“How much do these cost? Surely no more than a Topin.”

I watched my mother list every flaw in the shoes, while the shopkeeper stared back with calm wise eyes.

After a while, Finley and I made eye contact, and he finally interrupted her thousand-year rant.

“Milady, would you accept a bargain of 1 Sor and 2 Rifan?”

My mother’s eyes pierced the shopkeeper and me as well.

“You drive a hard price. But I have no choice but to accept it.” She sighed and pulled out the respected amount of money.

A Torment of a Secret (Larkin) *On Major Pause*Where stories live. Discover now