Extra 9 - Busy

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Reiji: Hey! Author-chan, why didn't you update new chapters these days?

Author: Because I have some work to do Rei-chan.

Reiji: What work is that?

Author: I'm now working to publish a new part for my fan fiction but there were more things I have been doing too.

Aki: Like what? *pops of nowhere*

Author: Kyaa!! *shock* You stupid! Why are you popping out of nowhere?!

Aki: What's the problem with that?

Author: What? You ask WHAT? Because of what you did I almost have a heart attack!

Aki: Ok ok, sorry... I just wanted to know what were you doing these days too.

Author: Hmph, are you that curious to know?

Reiji,Aki: YES!!

Author: Ok... For now, I am finishing the part of my fan fiction, and I draw my own comic too so that I can post it on my facebook account.

Reiji: You make comic? *surprise*

Author: Yes.

Aki: But why?

Author: Because I want to show it to a friend and ask what he will think about it.

Reiji: Ohh okay.. So that's the reason why you aren't updating new chapters.

Author: *nods*

Aki: Well, goodluck Tsoca.. *smile*

Author: Thanks. *blush*

Reiji: Why are you blushing Author-chan? *wonders*

Author: It's nothing... Nevermind it.

Aki: Eh? Did you imagine what hap--

Author: NOOO!!! Stop talking or else I'll kick you out in this extra!! *blush madly*

Aki: Waah! Ok ok!! *runs away*

Author: Ugh! Aki is so naughty! *mumble*

Reiji: You like Aki-chan do you? *grins*

Author: N-no! The one I like is Ai-kun!*frantic*

Reiji: What? O.O

Ai: I heared someone calling my name.. *enters*

Author: Eeekk! I-I'm busy right now so...Gotta go! *leaves immediately*

Reiji: . . . . .?

Ai: *sigh* This is all for this extra... See you all soon.


Author: *enters her room* I will now continue my work..

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