Extra 7 - Good Night

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Tsoca: *yawns* *sitting on the chair*

Aki: Why are you still awake at this hour Tsoca?

Tsoca: Because I'm not feeling sleepy yet. *yawns*

Aki: Eh? So why are you always yawning? *walks closer*

Tsoca: I will not sleep if I won't finish this now.. *holding one sheet of paper*

Aki: What is that?

Tsoca: Look! I draw Ai-kun! *show the paper to Aki then smiled warmly*

Aki: *staring at the drawing* That's so nice Tsoca. *smiles*

Tsoca: Thanks! *sleepy*

Aki: But please sleep now, continue it tomorrow okay? *took the paper on Tsoca's hand then placed it inside the notebook*

Tsoca: But I want t--

Aki: *kissed her on the lips*

Tsoca: O//////O

Aki: Close your eyes and sleep now.. If you don't.... *placed his face 2 inch closer to her* I'll do it again.

Tsoca: O-ok! Ok! I'm gonna sleep now! *blushes*

Aki: Good. *smiles*

*after a few minutes, Tsoca is finally asleep*

Aki: *carry her bridal style then placed Tsoca to her bed*

Aki: Good night Tsoca.. *whispered*

Aki: *walk outside the room then went back to his room*

Extra StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang