Ponyboy Imagine

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It was the last day of school, and you were surprisingly sad. Not because of friends and teachers, but because you were going to miss your crush-Ponyboy. Nothing had happened between you and him throughout the whole year, except for exchanging glances and smiles. When the final bell rang, you rushed to your locker to clean it out. When you opened it, a note fluttered out and fell to the ground, you picked it up, examining the handwriting. It read:
I know I've never talked to you before, but you're so beautiful, it's intimidating. I would like to go Dairy Queen with you sometime this summer.:) How about this weekend? Meet me there at 1:00pm?
-Ponyboy Curtis"
Your eyes widened with excitement. Was this a phony letter?! You wondered, and waited for the weekend. It seemed to take forever. •
"1:00" the time read.
You quickly got ready and excitedly went to (Darry😂) Dairy Queen, casually looking around for him. Finally, you spotted him sitting at a table in the back, alone. He caught your eye and gestured you over. You followed smiling.
He smiled at you. "I brought you this." He said shyly, handing you a beautiful pink rose. You screeched with excitement. "Thank you so much!" You exclaimed. "I've been wanting to tell you.." Pony said blushing, "I've been in love with you since I laid my eyes on you." He announced, looking deeply into your eyes. You smiled. "I-I feel the same" you answered, blushing.
You and Pony hit it off, and ended up hanging out all summer. It was the best summer ever.💛

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