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I didn't even get enough time to react that Papi was in Mami's arm, he fainted. We helped Mami to carry him and went to their room, leaving him on the bed. We left her alone and Ryu decided to go and clean his room. I stayed in the living room carrying Inaya. Luna sat next to me.

She stared at me with a grin on her face and I sighed, finally facing her.

- What?

- Just a friend, huh?

- He did that because he knows Papi hates him and wanted to tease him. I mean it's Camilo.

- Yeah of course, not like you're the only one he calls "hermosa"

- It doesn't mean anything

- Of course it does. You're just blind, about his feelings and yours.

- We're just friends and even if there were more than friendship I don't want to disappoint Papi. No dating before seventeen, remember?

- When are you gonna start to think about yourself, Y/N? You lived your whole life for them, put your happiness first for once.

- Don't worry about me, I've always been fine and I'll always be.

I smiled, like I always do in these situations. I have to stay focused, I can't show my anxiety. Keep your feelings for you, show them what they want to. Keep the bad thing inside, light up the mood and never ever cry. At least not in front of them. Don't break their trust. Make the family proud.

Luna didn't say anything, I'm her perfect sister of course she won't go any further. I heard Mami calling Papi telling him to take more rest but apparently he didn't care since he was now giving me a dead stare.

- Y/N, I'm tired of this. I don't want you to see Camilo anymore.

- You're the one that invited him over.

- Because you said you two were just friends. I can't believe you lied.

- We are just friends. He noticed how much you hated him and decided to tease you, that's it.

- There's no way he could've guessed it. You told him, right? Y/N I'm so disappointed.

- Maybe if you weren't always staring and glaring at us he wouldn't notice.

- I'm not that obvious.

- Yes you are.

Mami cuts him off.

- Everyone noticed, you're embarrassing us every single time, Lysander.

- Sorry to be a responsible father.

- No, you're just being an asshole.

They started fighting again and Ryuji went out of his room. I took my siblings with me and we went to my room. I started distracting them, singing songs, playing games and just joking around.

After a while Ryuji and Inaya fell asleep. I put a blanket on them and kissed their forehead. My sister and I sneaked out of my room and Luna went to hers since I asked her to. I went downstairs. Mami and Papi were still fighting.

- Papi, Mami?

- WHAT?!

They both yelled at me and I just smiled.

- I'm sorry that I've been a problem lately, I didn't think getting friends would create such a fight. I'll stop talking to Camilo if that's what will fix it.

Mami hugged me and Papi just sighed, before finally saying something.

- Yes, that'll fix the issue. But then you won't be happy, would you?

- If the family is happy then I'm happy, Papi.

- I'm sorry. There I said it. You didn't do anything wrong. I know you can't control your feelings. Just, no dating, no kisses, no hugs. Alright?

I smiled a little and Papi joined our hug.

- It's late already, time to sleep.

Mami agreed

- Can I go and walk for a moment? I'm not tired.

They seemed to hesitate but allowed me to go. I wasn't slow to hop in and immediately went out.

I took a deep breath and started running. I needed to feel the air on my skin. I'm not really athletic so I quickly got out of breath and stopped. I started crying, finally letting it go.

Those feelings I kept inside for so long were leaving me as the tears fell off. The same word was playing on a loop "disappointed". I played all of the recent events, from our arrival to today. What did I do wrong? When did it start to fuck up? It's when I met Camilo. But what could be the issue? He never did anything wrong. Neither to me nor Papi. I know our friendship is what he hates. But I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I was drowning in my thoughts, I could barely breathe.

That's when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up just to see Dolores, Mirabel and Camilo standing in front of me, worried. I wiped my tears and gave them a warm smile.

- I gotta go, sorry. I was just, huum, connecting with nature haha!

- Y/N... If we're here it's because Dolores heard you crying.

Mirabel put her hand on my forehead and I push her away.

- There's nothing wrong. Why are you trying to heal me?

Camilo hugs me and start to apologize over and over again

- Y/N, I'm so sorry, I knew it'll make him mad and I still did it. It was provocation, it was selfish and dumb and... Please forgive me.

- Y/N I know we're not that close but if there's anything wrong just...

I cut her off.

- Nothing is wrong, I don't know why you guys are so worried. You probably heard someone else, I wasn't crying.

They didn't say anything.

- I promise I'm fine. Camilo, you did nothing wrong, don't apologize. Mirabel, there's nothing to heal. Dolores, thank you for your concern but I'm fine. Y'all should get back to the Casita, it's late. I'm gonna get back home too.

We all hugged and I kept my tears until they left. As soon as they were out of my field of view, I fell again. I stayed like that for an hour and went back home.

Mami had put Inaya and Ryuji back in their room so I headed to mine. I layed on my bed and immediately fell asleep.


Writer : _noyaas (me)

Daydream - CamiloxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now