Chapter Four

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I struggled to sleep that night. I didn't even know this demon's name. Didn't know if we fought against each other in a war or what he was doing here. There was no way out, so if he said he wasn't part of that, Cielo, there is no way out for them. No way. He was up to something, but what?

I never felt this gap in my soul. The longing for wanting to go back home, to be with my sisters and brothers. I missed Michael's kindness and his smile. I missed Uriel's motherly touch. Her warm hugs and uplifting words. Were they even mourning me, now I was still alive? I couldn't feel them. Not this far from home. Which meant that they didn't feel me either.

But I couldn't lose hope. I wasn't as old as them. I still had time to mature.

I laid on the makeshift bed as the demon slept in front of the door.

What in Father's name was this place? Did people really lived like this? Was this what Father kept on dealing with daily? I knew we shouldn't question him. He knows best, but I wondered if he truly knew what was happening on earth. This didn't seem right. How was his heart processing all of this?

"Free will, Cielo," Uriel said in the back of my head. Her voice always corrected me if I strayed off, wondered too much about how Father was keeping everything in control. Why he wasn't stepping in when situations got out of hand? The answer always boiled down to free will. He didn't want to create something that was robotic or slaves. He wanted people to have free will.

It was their undoing, but I never said it out loud. Uriel would have a debate if she would ever hear my thoughts. The times that Father stepped in, they would say it was luck, or coincidence. They never gave him the credit.

But when things go bad, they always question it. I've seen it many times during the times I'd spent with Gabriel, one of the protecting and messenger angels. I didn't want to be part of his task unit. They always came to earth, lent a hand without being seen. It hit me like a tidal wave.


Maybe if I could find him, he would know I was still alive. I winced as the pain in my shoulder cramped and the sting spread to my back and torso.

How did humans live like this? I didn't like the feeling of being so far from Father's light, either. The warmth our soul need was gone. Doubt filled my head, doubt I'd never had.

The tiredness that threatened to pull me into the darkness was still something I struggled with. It always won.

A soft conversation reached my ears.

"Benjamin, I told you to leave her alone."

"But she is so beautiful. She doesn't look like you."

"Because she is not like me. You haven't told your mother or father about me, right? Who I really am?

"No, Bane. I told you I'm good at keeping secrets. What is wrong with her?"

"She got hurt?"

"In the earthquake?"

"Yes, what is our first rule, Benjamin?"

"Not to ask too many questions?"

Benjamin. I always liked that name. It was so biblical. I knew plenty of Benjamins too.

"Is she an angel?"


"Sorry, she is just so beautiful."

The demon, which name was Bane, laughed. "That they are."

He gasped. "Where is her wings?"

"Hurt. They are busy healing. Now let her sleep."

The boy grunted. "For a demon your are a real party pooper."

"I'm not that kind of demon anymore. Let's go."

The conversation drowned out with their footsteps and the door unlocked, scratched on the floor to open and closed.

I opened my eyes. The tiredness was still there, and it I grinned on my teeth, wanting to grunt like that kid. When was I going to feel like myself again? Powerful, ready to go back home.

What was a kid doing with Bane, and not just any kid? One that knows who he was. Usually, the humans didn't trust that kind, unless they worship Lucifer. The fallen angel brought so much despair and wickedness into this world, messing up Father's creation and I still didn't understand half the reason? He had everything and yet he wanted more. I honestly believe that he became that wicked because he was too far from Father's light. Being kicked out was the last thing you wanted as a divine being. I didn't understand how one could trade the warmth for despair and cold.

"Stop questioning things, Cielo." Uriel's voice warned again. I didn't know if it was her voice or my doing.

It was so confusing and I was always sure about everything. I didn't like this feeling at all and the questions would not stop either. I had to get better and get out of this place, back with my brothers and sisters, but how?

809 words

I made the 2k mark. This one is a bit slow pace guys, but I want to put in the real feeling. I still have a lot of words to go and I want to make the falling for something she shouldn't fall as real as it can be with sticking true to her character. Thanks for reading. If you like it please vote, and share. Don't forget to comment to let me know what you think.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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