Part 7.

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Regulus had the same nightmare that night again, when he woke up it was early in the morning. He opened his eyes and saw James and Sirius looking at him worriedly. He jumped. "You guys a warning. Please.", Regulus said, "Are you okay?", James said worried, "Yes, just a nightmare.", Sirius nodded, "You wanna talk about it?", he asked, "no. Leave me alone please. What are you doing here anyways?", Regulus asked annoyed, "we were actually coming here to tell you that you should get ready because we're leaving in half an hour. We will grab late breakfast in digeon alley.", Regulus nodded and stepped out of his bed, "I'm gonna shower now so if you need something from the bathroom.. grab it now or take it when I'm done. I'll hurry.", the older boys nodded. Regulus left the room and took a shower.

When he was done he stepped out of the bathroom and into his room, the house was wiredly quiet for a few seconds, Regulus felt panic rising in him. He knew he had just dreamed it but what if the dark lord found out his location..
Sirius started laughing in his room, Regulus was relived, his brother and James were well. He stepped into his room and as he closed the door, "you want to talk about that dream?", Regulus jumped, "James! What the hell?", he had not seen James, still sitting on his windowsill, "so yes or no?", James asked again, "maybe another time. Thanks though.", James nodded.

Regulus didn't need anything for digeon alley, his and Sirius' money he would get at Gringotts. Sirius was disowned by their parents but Regulus wasn't, yet. So he just sat next to James on the sill looking out of the window, he zoned out, which was why he didn't notice James was studding his face worriedly.

Mrs. Potter came upstais, she knocked and the boys both fell out of a trance, "come in.", Regulus said, Mrs. Potter stepped in, "Regulus.. James, uh- we would be ready now. So grab Sirius and your coats and let's meet at our chimney so we can floo to digeon alley. It's a bit to cold to walk.", James nodded and left to get Sirius, "he wasn't bothering you was he?", Mrs. Potter asked as James was out of reach, "oh no. He wasn't.", Regulus smiled.

Ten minutes later, they all stood infront of the chimney, wearing their shoes and coats. They flooed to diegon alley and James' parents decided they should go to the bank first and then split up. They went to Gringotts and got all the money they needed. When they left the building, they decided to meet up at the 'three broomsticks' in two hours. So they split up, James, Sirius and Regulus went into one direction and Mr. and Mrs. Potter into the other.

James and Sirius first wanted to go into the shop that was all about quidditch,Regulus was fine with that. He could look around there too. He found some 'first aid kits' for brooms, and decided to buy three of them. One for Sirius, one for James and one for himself. Sirius and James were stuck in an important conversation about some kind of shoes that would make you fly better. Total bullshit.

After that James and Sirius dragged Regulus into a 'prank ingredients' shop, Regulus rolled his eyes while entering. He already hated it. But he decided to just buy a few more things for the two other boys. They could probably work with all of the stuff. Regulus bought two random things he just saw and grabbed, but then he remembered overhearing James talking to his mother saying that Peter and Remus would step by at Christmas Eve so he grabbed two more random ingredients. He went to pay and when he looked at where he saw his brother the last time, Sirius was gone. Regulus shrugged and decided to wait outside for a bit. James and Sirius took so long. Then after ten minutes Regulus spotted James again, so he went inside the shop again and walked towards him, "Potter, can you tell Sirius I'll go on with Pandora. I spotted her. And you guys are taking too long.", a part of that was a lie, but James didn't notice.

So Regulus stepped into a potions shop which was a few steps away. He decided to buy something for Severus. He found a rare ingredient, he knew was useful for many potions, and bought it. Afterwards he went to the bookshop, he bought himself a new book about magical creatures that were connected to wizards, he always saw that book at the black manor and wanted to read it, but he was never allowed. He also bought a muggle book about some muggle-fairy tale for Lily, and bought another book for himself, which was also muggle-Greek-mythology. He was about to pay when he saw a book about 'easy tricks to impress others, for lazy wizards' and decided to buy it for Barty, as partly joke and partly not joke. He went to buy the books when he figured he was still missing a present for Pandora and James' parents.

He looked around and in another shop he found a necklace which was supposed to give you luck, he bought it for Pandora. And he soon also found records, and bought them for the Potters. He saw that they had a record player, but a poor amount of records. At the end he also went to the famous candy shop. And bought a good amount of candy. He grabbed a few bars of chocolate for Remus, because he knew he loved chocolate and for everyone else he just grabbed random things to throw in with their presents. When he paid he realised he had good twenty minutes left until he was supposed to meet the potters again.

Regulus still went to the 'three broomsticks', he claimed a table big enough for the five of them and sat down, waiting for the others. He just drifted into his thought when James and Sirius walked in. James spotted him and elbowed Sirius towards him. They sat down across the table, "got everything?", James asked, Regulus nodded, "and you?", Sirius rubbed his belly, "yeah we did. But Sirius complained this whole time about how hungry he was. So it was not fun.", Regulus laughed, "yeah I can imagine that. But hey Sirius look James' parents are here so now you can eat.", James saw his parents, and stood up. Not to walk towards them or anything, he just waved at them and sat down in the stool next to Regulus.

They had breakfast and Sirius did seem very happy to finally eat again. Later they flooed back home. Mrs. Potter made them a hot chocolate, but it was only three p.m. they decided to play some board games later, around six. So Regulus went upstairs to place all the present he got for the others next to his bed. He did want to pack the but he decided not to, he was to exhausted from the cold and the shopping. So he just laid in his bed and took a nap.
James woke him later. To come down and play games with them, but till then Regulus slept good.

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