Again, Weird.

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"NO ONE MUST KNOW." she said before she slammed the door in my face. I stood there bewildered for a second. Again, weird. I shook my head and walked down her steps. The water splashed up onto the bottom of my pants. The whole walk there was so awkward. I was probably making her feel like that, just walking up to her and walking her without any explanation.

The explanation would probably have creeped her out though too. I wanted to see her beautiful eyes again. Oh how poetic of  you! Weirdo. She was so pretty. Her hair was cool auburn color and she had a nice figure. UGH. YOU DISGUST ME YOU CREEP. YOU WERE LOOKING AT HER FIGURE? I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU NOW. I thought that kind of thing was a compliment, but what do I know.

I flopped on my bed, still thinking about that girl, and did my homework. History, English, Pre-Calc, AP Chem, so many things I have to focus on. They're all so hard. After I finished that crap, I worked on playing the piano.

Okay, playing the piano is something I rarely do, usually it's to help me understand confusing feelings like happiness, sadness, anger all that. I sat down at the piano and put hand on the wooden cover. I felt the cool, unused ivory keys and started to play Fur Elise. My mom tiptoed into the room thinking I didn't see her. I thought I'd let her have her fun. For now.

"I know you're there mom." I stopped playing.

"Dang it Griffin! You always shy away from the piano and I never get to hear your playing, and the one time you play, I'm not supposed to listen? That's just not fair." She made a pouty-face.

"You know you don't have to watch me to listen."

"I know, I know. Anyways, what's bothering you? You always play when you're stressed or upset or confused," I looked away "so dont even try to hide it." I looked away because face turned red. She grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. "Why is your face red? Are you playing because you're sick?" She could tell wasn't sick right at that moment because only my cheeks were red. She leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "Do you like someone?" I stood up. *GASP* "YOU DO LIKE SOMEONE!"

"MOM SSHH!" My little brother and sister used their radars and popped into the room chanting, "GRIFFIN HAS A GIRLFRIEND! GRIFFIN HAS A GIRLFRIEND! GRIFFIN AND HIS GIRL FRIEND SITTING IN A TREE, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" I fast walked out of the room and up the stairs. I mean, I don't know, they aren't, like, wrong or anything. But  you can't like anyone if you don't even know their name.

I have to find out what her name is. Tomorrow, that is the goal. Find out the mystery girl's name is.

The phone rang all of the sudden. I went to go see who was calling. The caller ID said "973-346-7650" Cher. My friend Cher. Cher is an extremely social blonde who is very sweet. I like Cher. I pick up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey dude bro, who's it hanging," pause, "bro."

"Please don't ever say something like that ever again."

"Ha ha. You know I would never seriously say things like that."

"Yeah I know. Sooo what are you calling about?"

"Weeelll I kinda need the math homework for tonight."

"You forgot again?"

"Yea. Please!"

"Fine. It's page 369 in the textbook." I want to tell her about the mystery girl. I knew I had seen her somewhere but I don't know where. Maybe Cher would know.

"Kay. Thanks, bye!"



"Uh, do you know anyone with glasses and auburn hair, like in your class or whatever?"

"Glasses and auburn hair? Well there was one girl in our class who was sleeping who looked like that."

"Did you see her eyes?"

"Uuuh, no? Is this like a fantasy girl that you made up?"

"No, I met her yesterday and wallked her home. She never told me her name so I thought you might know."

"No, but I have seen her. Why?"

"Never mind, I'll tell you tomorrow. See ya."

"Bye." She hung up. I shouldn't have even mentioned her. Whatever.

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