Shorts & Toks Part 2

Start from the beginning

" Could be better" Draco rolls his eyes.

" I get to be a baddie," Tom says.

" More Like a Bully but ok" Harry crosses his arms

* Theater laughs*

" I'm That Baddie" Draco repeats to himself.

" We've got an organ that is clearly what Draco does in his spare time" Tom says.

" Do you?" Ginny asks Draco.

" I don't... Know" Draco scratches his hair.

" Did you call me a wuss?" Tom says as he is on the broom.

" Um that's not Tom thats Draco" Hermione points.

" Clearly" Draco scoffs.

" Harry Potter has trained me for the waltz," Tom says.

" That's some wierdas- Haircut" Draco watches his words.

" I have been doing my steps, I've been working on my feet . You've seen my feet work" Tom says.

" No we haven't" Draco says a bit embarrassed.

" You're even rude to your actor" Harry scoffs.

" Your Letting me keep this," Tom says.

" They gave me a guitar" Tom is excited.

" He sounds like an innocent child that gave him a Christmas gift" Hermione comments.

" Childish" Draco rolls his eyes.

" Does He play Though" George asks.

" Yes He does, Didn't you hear the Hermione song" Loki looks at them when the twins say ohh.

" Draco Himself has matured...slightly" Tom rolls his eyes.

* Theater laughs*

" Even your actor doesn't even Like you" Ron laughs.

" At least he agrees that he is a Childish Bully" Harry laughs on as Draco rolls his eyes.

" Me and Daniel had a wand fight in the bath-god it sounds wrong" Tom pauses.

* Theatre chuckles except The Professors disgusted of the dirtiness*

" I saw The wand fight," Ginny smirks.

" It Hit really hard," Ron snickers.

" Draco almost died," Fred adds.

" He was in Tears" George says, making everybody laugh except Harry and Draco.

" Disgusting" Draco and Harry roll their eyes and scoff.

" Bosh" Tom says as it Hits His face.

" Be Careful" Neville comments.

" Lucky Man, Lucky Man" Tom nods.

* Clip ends*

" Who is the lucky man?" Dumbledore asks.

" Harry" Ginny whispers as Harry huffs out a whole lot of energy.

" Let's get to the last video you will love it" Loki smiles.

* Honey, I am good is playing*

" You watch Harry Potter?" Caption says for one animation.

" Um yeah," Caption says for the second animation.

" Girl I bet Draco is your Favorite character" The First animation caption says.

" Um no" Ron bites his chicken.

" Uh yes please" Draco claps his hand pettily.

" Hold up now," Second animation caption says.

" For real," Ginny laughs.

* Shows series of funny Draco Photos with Honey, I am Good lyrics*

* Theatre Laughs*

" At least I am good Looking but not those photos" Draco looks around.

" Those edited photos are amazing" Harry laughed.

" Awe Baby, Nah Baby, you got me all wrong baby" Second animation says.

* Shows serious of Dobby Photos including t pod dancing dobby following the Honey, I'm good lyrics*

* Clip ends*

* Theatre Laughs*

" Dob-b-b-bbby Dancing" Ron laughs, almost choking on his food.

" How can I be compared to Him?" Draco rolls his eyes.

" Ok Now we have another react" Loki says moving back to her stand. 

HP CHARACTERS REACT TO OUR WORLD ( Editing)Where stories live. Discover now