The start of a new journey

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I looked out the window my ear phones in my ears. I looked down at my phone and saw that I had only 10% left on it. Its not like it matters anyways i thought as I sigh. We were on a family trip we were hiking up a mountain, we were suppose to leave all electronics in the car or not even bring them so we can get more intone with the outdoors or whatever. I really didn't care i wanted to stay home and hang out with my friends for the summer but no, we have to stay outside. We do this every summer, but this one we decided to hike a bigger mountain so its going to take longer. Usually we are hiking for two or three weeks, this is going to take a month. So a month without my friends and a month without my phone. I felt the car pull up right as my phone died making me sigh. I look out the window and see the mountain smiling slightly i got out. No mater what did happened i loved to be outdoors, and i loved hiking, but i miss my friends after a bit. I take out my ear phones and put my phone in a compartment so it wont over heat but wont freeze. 

"So are we ready to hike?" I heard my dad say as he got everything out of the trunk. It wasn't much it was just my backpack, my sisters, my mom, and his. Also a couple of small tents that he hooked to each of our bags. All the food we have is what we hunt and get besides the Little we bought. I got my bag and put it over my shoulders ready to go. I quickly remember my pocket knife in my side door. I grab it and put it in my bag before making sure i had everything.

"Okay lets go and meet Adam" I hear my mom say. I nodded my head and pull my long black hair tightly into a high pony tail. I start walking along with my sister and nod my head as we go and meet my boyfriend and his family at the base of the mountain. I started to talk about my sister about how everything was going. She was younger then me by a bit. She was 8 and i was 16, i was protective of her and everyone knew that. I didn't want her to come along because i thought  she was still to young but she insisted on coming. I listened and smiled as she talked about how school went and how she made new friends. After about ten minutes we got to were Adam was and my sister ran up to him. My sister loved him and he loved her. She jumped up into his arm as he spun her around. making her giggle. I walked up to him and smiled as he sat her down.

"Hey baby gurl" He said as he kissed me sweetly. I heard my sister say eeeww making me giggle and pull away. He smiled at me and i smiled back.

"Hows it been?" I asked him he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay kids lets go" I heard Adams parent say. I nod my head and grab my sisters hand. Adam put on his bag before grabbing my sisters other hand that was trying to reach for his. He smiled down at her as she skipped and we swung her a bit as we started the journey. But little did I know it would be the longest and most opening journey for me ever. 

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