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📍Caroline's House

I wake up to the sun beaming into my window. I immediately remember last night and wish I could sleep forever. Now that Rafe and my parent's are gone, on some trip, I'm gonna be alone in the house.

I pick up my phone and check my notifications. Nothing but Instagram notifications and twitter recommendations. I throw it down, annoyed from the light, and close my blackout curtains. It's too bright.

I get up and walk to the bathroom down the hall. I hop in the shower and drift away in there. Nothing important, just thinking. I catch myself and snap out of it, I gotta get my day started. I brush my teeth in a towel and walk out of the washroom.

When I get back to my room and get dressed, I sit criss crossed on my bed. I'm on my phone once again and open the pogue group chat.

Caroline: Y'all wanna come over? Parents are out.

Kie: Don't wanna be at home anyway, I'm down.

John B: Sarah and I are coming in 30min.

JJ: On the shore w Pope. Otw now

I'm watching the final season of Breaking bad when I hear a knock at my door. I run downstairs to see Kie, JJ, and Pope at my door.

I swing open the door and hold it so that they can get it. I give them all side hugs before they go upstairs. I follow behind them and make it to my room. It's hilarious to me how they act like this is their house.

I sit cross crossed on my bed with JJ laying behind me. Kie is in the wooden chair and Pope is laying on the floor.

"I don't really have plans for us." I say out of boredom.

"...You got Uno?" Kie asks.

"You wanna play...a card game?" I ask.

"Don't do that. Uno is fucking great." JJ says as he jumps off of my bed and onto the floor with the others.

"I guess." I say, opening my nightstand drawer and pulling out the box of cards.

≡ ≡ ≡

It's more like an hour before Sarah and John B get here. When we hear the knock, JJ and I are the first ones to get up. Pope and Kie end up not coming.

As I walk in front of JJ to the stairs, I feel a smack on my ass. I look up at him to see a smirk on his face. I make a confused face, but laugh. I don't know how he can make anything funny. Even something as random as that.

We walk down the stairs and JJ opens the door.

"Hey, Care!" Sarah says as she pulls me in for a hug. I hug her back as JJ and John B say their hellos.

We brief them on what we're doing as we go up the stairs.

"We're in a very heated game of uno." JJ says as we walk into the room.

John B and Sarah sit on the floor beside Pope and Kie.

We'd been playing for around 40 minutes when we started forming teams. John B and Sarah, Pope and Kie, me and JJ. At the moment, John B and Sarah have won 2 times, Kie and Pope 4, JJ and I 7.

"Uno! Uno Uno Uno!" I yell as I put down my last card.

"What!?" Sarah screams as John B puts his hands on his head.

"No fucking way. Stand up, both of you." Kie suspects.

JJ and I both stand up with cocky grins as we show that we're all out of cards.

"See? We're not lying. Y'all are just some fucking losers." JJ says as he grabs my waist, assume in a teammate way.

"I refuse to play anymore if I'm gonna get obliterated like this." Pope crosses his arms.

"No yea, me too. Y'all are magic or some shit." Sarah laughs.

"Hey, fine with us." JJ puts his arms up in surrender.

"How shall we celebrate our win?" I say in a fake British accent.

JJ quickly catches on and smiles. "Hm, I don't know. May I suggest, drinks?" He says, also in a fake accent.

"It's morning." Pope says in a monotone voice.

"Why, I don't give a fuck." JJ says, still in his accent.

We all let out a laugh as JJ and I start to walk out of the room.

"Y'all want something?" I ask in my normal voice before we walk out. I receive
a collective no, except for John B wanting a ginger ale.

JJ and I are joking and laughing the entire way down the stairs. We're turning into the kitchen just as JJ places his hand on my waist again.

"What is up with you today?" I giggle, still walking.

"You just look good." He shrugs, pulling me closer.

We walk into the kitchen and he pulls out two white claws. I turn my back to him and grab two glass cups from the cupboard. I'm washing them when I feel two arms wrap around my waist.

"Ah, that's cold." I say as the two white claws in his hand touch my bare stomach.

He chuckles at my reaction and puts them down on the counter. He pulls me closer to him and I feel a bulge in his pants. I turn my head to look at him, giving him a 'JJ?' type look.

"You look good." He shrugs, again.

I don't know why, but I start rubbing my ass against him. His voice and his tone do something to me. He lets out a groan as he starts to help me move my hips.

We start going faster when we hear Sarah yell from upstairs. "Guys!?"

I immediately stop rubbing on JJ and he throws his head back in frustration. "Coming!" I pour our drinks and signal to JJ to grab John B's.

He reluctantly lets go of my waist and grabs the ginger ale. We run upstairs and walk back into the room.

"Where were y'all? Making babies?" Sarah jokes as we emerge into the room. Her jokes of me and JJ being together haven't let up.

JJ secretly squeezed my ass as soon as she says that. My face flushes as I give John B his drink.

"God, care. I was kidding." She says when she sees my face.

I look back to see JJ smirking at me, and we sit back down.

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