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"Noo, please don't go!" Sarah makes a pouty face. She stretches her body across the couch and bear grabs onto my waist.

"It's been a week guys, I gotta go home." I tell them.

"But we have so much fun." JJ makes a fake pout and puppy dog eyes.

"Just one more day, Care. Please." Kie asks.

"I wish I could." I say, getting up. I pick up my backpack full of clothes and snacks.

I walk to the door as everyone gets up behind me for goodbye hugs.

"Bye, Care." JJ hugs my waist and kisses my head.

"Bye, Caroline." Sarah joins in.

"Bye, Care." Kie adds, with John B and Pope joining in.

After a long and dramatic hug, they all let go. I walk out of the door and onto the sand. I feel the warm sun hit my face as I push the boat off of the shore, and step into it.

"I can go with you for the trip back. You know, to make sure you're safe and shit." JJ suggests from the door.

"I'm alone in the water J, I think I'll be fine." I kid with him.

"Just checking." he admits, sounding slightly sad. "Bye, Care." He says one last time.

I wave my hand up, signaling a goodbye, and start the engine to the boat. I check to make sure it's all gassed up and everything, and I drive it away from the tiny island we've been staying on.

The ride was uneventful, to say the least. I listened to music and ate snacks most of the way, while reminiscing to myself about the amazing week we just had. The day I broke up with Rafe felt like one of the worst days ever. Of course, I go to my best friends in a time like that. They never fail to cheer me up. I did end up staying longer than intended, but I deserve it. They're open and tell me the truth, unlike Rafe. He kept me away from the pogues more than I'd like to admit, to be honest, so am I so wrong for being sort of relieved that I broke up with him?

These thoughts submerge my brain and before I know it, I'm at the dock. I turn the engine off and step out of the boat onto the dock. I tie the boat up and grab my backpack out of it.

≡ ≡ ≡ 6:00pm ≡ ≡ ≡

When I finish my 10 minute walk from the dock to Figure 8, I finally reach my house. I don't bother knocking, as the key is in the plant pot as usual. I unlock the door, put the key back, and walk in. It's super dark, which indicates that my parents are asleep. I walk up the huge staircase in the very middle of my house, and take a left. I walk into my room and throw my stuff down. I'm starting to take my shirt off when I hear a voice behind me.

"Hey, Caroline."

I jump and immediately stop taking off my tank top. I rush over the the lamp in the corner and switch it on. The 6 foot silhouette in my doorway was none other than, Rafe Cameron.

"What the fuck, Rafe!? You scared the shit out of me." I run my hands through my hair. "What are you doing in here? HOW are you in here?"

"We may be 'broken up'" He puts up finger quotes, "but I still know the key is in the plant, Care."

"We aren't 'broken up' Rafe. We're broken up. Plane and simple." I say, crossing my arms.

"I didn't come here to fight." He says, walking in the door. "I came to tell you that I'm leaving." He sits on the wooden chair that sat by the door.

"What? Leaving where?" I ask.

"I have to deal with. I'll be back in a few days, tops. I just wanted to tell you that I won't be here." He explains to me.

"A few days? Not that I care, but what business?" I question.

"It's nothing, it's just some money thing."

"What money thing?"

"You just said you didn't care-" He looks down.

"What money thing, Rafe??" I urge.

"Please don't worry about it." He says, looking back up at me.

I pause. "...This is why we broke up."

"Don't do that-"

"No, because it's always the same shit! You give me some vague ass description of god knows what, and when I ask about it, you close up! You shut me out and you tell me not to worry. But I always worry, Rafe. And you know that. I'm sick of this shit and that's why we're done." I put my head in my hands.

He stands up from the wooden chair with a creak, and walks over to me. He puts his hand on my head and the other around my waist, holding me.


"Where are you going? Last chance, just tell me." I look up at him.

He looks away from me. I can know he wants to tell me. I can tell. But he just won't. He won't look into my eyes, only at the white wall beside us. He's not gonna tell me.

I nod, feeling stupid for expecting anything more from him. "Get out." I tell him.


"Rafe, get out." I look him in the eyes.

He realizes I'm serious and turns away. He looks back before he exits the room. He thinks this is a movie or something? I just stare at him as he turns back and walks out. When he makes it to the stairs, I follow him there too. I watch him go out of the front door before I also go downstairs to lock the door.

When I make it back to my room, I change into my night clothes, turn the lamp off, and go straight to bed.

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