"NO! THAT'S NOT TRUE!! (it isn't true guys) RANBOO IS JUST A FUCKING LIAR!" Tommy shouted, face reddening due to embarrassment. Tubbo giggled and looked back at Ranboo, who began to argue back to Tommy. He sighed, propped his head with his hand, and watched them childishly argue, eyes dotting back and forth between the two.


After around 30 minutes or so, Tommy and Ranboo had simmered down, and were no longer arguing. Tubbo spaced out in the middle of it, thinking about everything that had happened that day. Wilbur being stabbed, crying, being comforted by Ranboo, Wilbur being fine, Techno talking him, Tommy being Tommy, goong to the infirmary, the allium, Ranboo becoming his roommate, and so forth.

Tubbo smiled as he thought about the conversation he had had with Ranboo, talking about flowers, sitting in silence admiring said flower, dealing with the bed situation. Tubbo came to the conclusion that he liked listening to Ranboo's voice, as it was oddly calming in a way that he had nev-

"Tubbo? You okay?" the exact voice he was thinking about broke him out of his trance. Tubbo looked up at them, and nodded aggressively, as to seem like he was present for the whole conversation.

Ranboo smiled gently at him, and turned back to face Tommy. Tubbo felt his face grow warmer, purely from embarrassing himself, and hid his face in his hands. He excused himself from the table, and went back to his room. The sun was now fully set, and the stars above were beginning to appear. He peered up to look at them, before he continued on towards his room, flopping onto his bed, and covering his face with his hands once again. Tubbo groaned with annoyance, as he rolled over and sprawled out on the bed. He'd never been one to think things out thoroughly, but this time was an exception. He laid there, thinking about anything that came to his mind, which was mostly what he had been through that day. He shuddered as he vividly saw Wilbur being stabbed. Tubbo forced his thoughts to become something nicer. The conversation he had with Ranboo was what popped up.

'I, Ranboo Beloved, promise you, Tubbo, that I do not mind sleeping on the floor.'

Tubbo smiled fondly, remembering how ridiculous Ranboo's last name was. He kept thinking about their chat, and was abruptly interrupted by a knock on the door. The brunette groaned, as he got up off the bed and walked to the door, opening it. A wild Ranboo was standing there, fiddling with their fingernails.

"You do know you don't have to knock? Right?" Tubbo asked, chuckling. Ranboo looked at him and smiled, their face turning a light shade of pink. Tubbo giggled.

"Well I mean, yeah. But-but I wouldn't want to invade your privacy! Like, what if you were changing?" Ranboo prodded, gesturing around with their hands. Tubbo sighed and crossed his arms.

"It wouldn't be the first time someone's walked in on me changing. Tommy, Techno, Wilbur, Fundy, Phil, they all do it." The brunette shrugged, looking up to meet Ranboo's eyes. His breath hitched a bit, as he had forgotten how pretty they were. Ranboo looked away quickly, assuming Tubbo was most likely uncomfortable.

"Well- What-whatever. Anyways, I came to check up on you since you kinda just, up and left so suddenly." They said, voice going quiet at the end, turning their head away. Tubbo tried to avoid the act of smiling, but couldn't help himself. He placed a hand on Ranboo's shoulder, which caused them to jump a bit.

"Thanks for being worried and what not, bossman. But I'm fine" he said, walking past the taller and treading out the door. Ranboo stood in place, fiddling with the collar of their shirt awkwardly. They turned around, and saw Tubbo climbing up to the crow's nest.

"Tubbo get down from there, you're gonna hurt yourself!" Ranboo yelled up, plaintively. Tubbo either didn't hear, or chose to ignore them, and soon was in the crow's nest, dreamily looking up at the sky. Ranboo mentally swore at themself and rolled their eyes, and the tall being slowly climbed up to where Tubbo was sat. The shorter smiled as Ranboo's head peaked from the ladder.

"What are you doi-" Ranboo was cut off by Tubbo pulling them to sit by him.

"Shut up and look at the stars, bossman." Tubbo said, tilting his head up. Ranboo gave him a confused look, but Tubbo then grabbed their chin and forced them to look up at the stars with him. Ranboo's eyes lit up with admiration and wonder, as they stared at the stars, a silent 'woah' escaping from their lips. Tubbo chuckled as he laid his head upon their shoulder. Ranboo froze a bit, but soon realized Tubbo was not going to move, so they rested their head atop his. Tubbo pointed at a cluster of stars and began speaking.

"That over there, is the constellation called 'The Orion Giant'. The three in a row are his belt, and above is his head, and the sides are his arms. One is holding a sword." He noticed Ranboo was looking around trying to find it, so Tubbo decided to make an audacious move. He faced them, cupped their face, and moved it towards where the Orion Giant was. The pair sat in silence, each oblivious to the red slowly growing on the others face. Ranboo broke the silence by pointing to different constellation.

"What's that one called?" Tubbo glanced over to where the taller was pointing. It was hardly perceptible to him, but he soon came to the conclusion that it was the Big Dipper.

"That one, is the 'Big Dipper'. It's named that because it looks like a big spoon." Tubbo said, yawning after. Ranboo hummed in response, as they looked down at Tubbo.

"You tired..?" They asked quietly. Tubbo merely nodded, and the two climb down from the crow's nest. They walked back to their room, where Tommy was already fast asleep. The pair then realized they must have been up there for quite some time.

"Are you sure you're fine sleeping on the floor?" Tubbo asked, grabbing several blankets from a small cupboard, along with a few pillows.

"Tubbo, I'll be fine." Ranboo said veritably. Tubbo sighed as he laid down the blankets and made a bed for Ranboo. The two then got into their respective beds, Ranboo falling asleep almost immediately. Tubbo laid awake for a bit, thinking about all of the constellations he liked, and then he too, fell asleep.


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