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TW: mention of blood, death, stabbing. Oh, and me not knowing wtf i am doing 😍

"Tubbo, I wanted to tell you about how Wilbur's doing." Fundy said calmly, trying to mollify the younger boy's emotions. Tubbo felt a warm tear slowly trail down his face, which Fundy gently wiped away.

"He was injured really badly, but if it wasn't for you.. He wouldn't be alive today." He said softly, a warm smile on his lips. Tubbo's eyes widened and more tears fell from his eyes.

"He's- he's alive..?" Tubbo quavered quietly, in disbelief. Fundy nodded, and squeezed his hand. Turning to face the older, Tubbo hugged him. "Thank you." he whispered, beginning to cry again. Fundy wiped the tears wit a somewhat confused look.

"Why are you thanking me? We should be thanking you for defending Wil. It was your efforts to prevent any further damage that really saved him." he spoke. Tubbo couldn't believe what he was hearing. he saved Wilbur's life.

"I, saved him..?" Tubbo questioned, in disbelief. Fundy nodded, sweetly smiling at him. Tubbo smiled back a genuine happy one. The duo hugged once more before Fundy had departed the room, and Tubbo was left alone, with only his thoughts to accompany him.

"How could I have possibly saved him..?" Tubbo questioned out loud. He continued to sit and think, whist his thoughts slowly drifted to the tall stranger who grabbed him earlier. He then realized that Ranboo was actually quite gentle when doing anything. His thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door.

"Can, can I come in?" a fearful voice asked. It was Tommy's voice. Tubbo stood up and opened the door, now realizing that he was in the kitchen.

"Yeah, of course you can Toms." Tubbo said, gesturing him in. The pair sat down on a little bench, and stared at each other.

"I was so fucking scared you got hurt, Tubbo." He said, voice quavering slightly. Tubbo knew that that tone meant Tommy was on the verge of tears. Tommy wasn't known to be a crier, but on the occasions he did, it always felt like he cried for eternity.

"Hey hey hey, everything's alright, okay? I'm safe, Wilbur's safe, everyone is safe. So can you calm down for me?" Tubbo said in such a soft and quiet voice, that only Tommy had been able to hear. This of course helped calm him down, and after around 20 minutes, Tommy was back to his, annoying, but lovable, self.

"So... who was that weird looking tall guy who carried you away?" Tommy questioned with a confused look. Tubbo merely shrugged.

"Honestly, I don't really know. Their name was Ranboo, or something like that. They were actually really pretty." Tubbo said, beginning to remember their beautiful eyes, and the way the light made their skin glow.

"Woah woah woah woah woaH. 'Pretty'? Tubbo, you've never referred to anyone as 'pretty'. WHERE HAS THE REAL TUBBO GONE?!?!" Tommy yelled as he grabbed Tubbo's shoulders and shook him vigorously, and, quite violently aswell.

"TOMMY STOOPPpP!! It is the real me, calm the fuck down. It's just, they look different compared to the faces I always see. But like, not in a mean way. Usually people from other enemy places look like shit, but Ranboo's not ugly at all." Tubbo said, sighing at the end. Tommy nodded in agreement.

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