sleep deprived reader x glass brother, fluff

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you're a kid btw, glass brother is like a father/older bro figure ig. also its platonic because people need to be reminded apparently, as if it isn't common sense.

I don't condone or support pedophilia/pedophiles/MAPS.


You yawned, shaking your head and rubbing your eyes. You had taken a while to get up and now stared groggily at whatever food sat on your plate, looking back up at the person who made it.

It was Glass Brother, he looked at you with concern. You stared back, your lower eyelids dark and visible, obviously tired. You liked to stay up all night sometimes, enough for it to become a habit, and you were only getting maybe an hour or so of sleep everyday.

You picked up the utensil beside you, weakly poking whatever the substance was and shoving it in your mouth, didn't really have an appetite. You were too languid and woozy to really want anything or do anything.

"Hey, are you okay?" Glass Brother had a notable gleam of unease in his face. You stared up at the man, he was like a father or older brother to you, you didn't really like Glass Mother but it was fine. You grunted and looked down at your plate, eyes half lidded and drooping lower, taking another bite of the food with a weak arm working its limit.

He suddenly rose from his seat, walking off. You assumed to talk to his mother about you, you could definitely see the worry in his usually cross, contrary features.

"Hmph." You muttered under your breath as you ate the rest of your breakfast, sliding out of your seat and drawing closer to the door, nosing into whatever conversation  you could hear.

A couple of faint voices sounded from farther away, a couple rooms over.

"Mother, I'm worried for [l/n]. The kid barely eats and seems to grow more fatigued and tired every day."

The grueling voice of Glass Mother rasped back. "Well knock the thing out if you have to, son. I'm tired of hearing you whine and complain to me about something I don't even care for."

He huffed, you scrambled to sit back down as he entered again. He looked straight at you and gestured you over, and you lazily got back up and rubbed an eye, staggering towards him.

"What do you neED—" You were lifted up and brought to your bed, gently put down as he sat on the edge, fumbling for something in a drawer.

He pulled out a thick book, full of children's stories and flipped through the pages. Three Little Pigs, Boy Who Cried Wolf, those stories.

He began reading stories to you, to which you grew so bored that you fell asleep. He smiled and pat you on the head, putting the book up and exiting the room.

~salad fingers oneshots!~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu