The Girl and the Dragon.

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"Doma, what ever happened to your mommy?" I ask, petting the huge blue, red andgreen egg. "I bet she was beautiful, for a beautiful egg comes from a beautiful mother. Even if she wasn't beautiful, I'de still love you like I do." Snuggling the egg lightly, while giving it a slight peck on the top, I lay the twenty pound jewel back in the nest and continue across it to the cave that led off the cliff safely.

Don't ask how you can love something you've never met or seen. I can just feel in my bones that this egg of the Dragonz needs me. I feel it's call, it's tug on my soul. I can feel that the mother had named it Domain my body. I just know all kinds of things I shouldn't. If the village finds out about my bond with the Dragonz egg, I'm done for. I'll either be cast out or worse.


I gulp and climb down the rocks of the mountain side and continue my way down to the village.

I'm nearly fifteen and have been watching this nest for about a week now and I haven't seen the mother at all. I've been keeping it warm by surrounding it in fur's and lightly heated rocks from the fire at home. Today I've decided to run down to the village and see how everyone's doing and grab some homework from school. Shouldn't be a very exciting day at all. Mother will wonder how my camping trip is going and I'll simply nod and tell her everything I hoped for and more.

I had stumbled upon this nest by accident and on the first night. There was some vultures etching towards the egg. I shew'd them away as I examind it. Thinking it was an actual jewel and finding out it was an egg. A really really really big egg. I decided I'de watch it to see if I could spot the mother. I'd always heard that Dragonz were terrible things that would kill you the moment it laid eye's on you. Send you up in flames the second it got a chance, squish you like the bug you really are.

None of those stories ever scared me like they did the other children though. They always made me want to know more about them. Everything I ever heard about Dragonz was stored in my brain and I was never going to let it go. I refused. I was addicted to the stories and legends like a fat guy to mutton, or a drunk to wine.

I reach the bottom, pat the dust off my worn, tattered dress and straighten the pack on my back a little. Soon I was happily skipping through the lovely, dark woods whistling to my self a Marie little tune. A twig snaps to my left and I quickly turn my head, hand on the hilt of the dagger on my leg. "Who go's there!" I hear a loud yell. "Come out while you've still got the chance."

There was a deep laugh and a scout stepped out from behind the tree twirling a dagger. "Miss Isabelle, why out so late, you could get hurt, there's many dangerous things in the night." I snort and release the hilt and take a step forward, relaxing.

     "Liam, I could of just killed you." I let out a sigh as he takes a quick step closer.

He laughed deeply and gave me a big hug. I return the hug and ruffle his hair. He was twenty-three and my master of the dagger. He went against the rules and taught me how to use one when I was nearly seven. "Non sense! I would have killed you had I not known it was you! I'm your teacher remember? Anyways, there's been word from the chief that there were some thieves sneakin' 'round in the forest so we've been sent out to keep an eye on the things that go bump in the night."

I get a serious expression and I nod, "So you're saying I need a body guard since I'm a girl." He went stiff and then laughed, disintegrating the stress in the air.

     "I know you can handle yourself, but your mother would kill me if I didn't accompany you on your way back to town."

I shrug and continue walking along my personally made path. Or in other words, I and Liam made this path when I was in training so the merchants could get through the rough terrain better. Silly merchants needing everything to be perfect!

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