Class Time

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*Bell rings*

In the classroom was the school principal, welcoming the students.

Principal: Students, welcome to your school year, on this occasion I am pleased to announce that you will have a new teacher, she will be arriving shortly.


Miko: She is surely an ogre

Todd: I bet she's horrible with bad breath, just like a witch.

Principal: Besides that, I want to introduce you to a new classmate. Make her feel at home, she comes from Japan. Her name is Sophia, come Sophia so you can introduce yourself to the class.

Sophia stands up and tries to say something when she starts shaking and no words come out.

Principal: Don't worry Sophia, you will have time to introduce yourself. Sit wherever you like.

Miko: Are you mute or what?

Lilly: Don't be mean to her, it's her first day. Come sit next to me, we'll be friends.

Sophia: T-thank you, my-my name is Sophia, I'm sorry I'm so nervous. My hands are sweating and I can't speak well.

Lilly: Don't worry, I was new before too, I know how it feels....

At that moment, Tutu enters the room. Looking at Todd and Miko as if he was going to eat them. He sits at the back of the room without letting them out of his sight.

The whole room fell silent, some whispering of the rumors Tutu had. That he had already had his first kiss with a third grade girl, that he had fought 5 fifth grade boys and beaten them.

No doubt someone to be feared...

Miko: Did you notice how he looked at us? If he keeps that up, I'm going to have to fight him.

Todd: Miko... I don't know if you noticed but he outweighs you by three heads.

Miko: But let me know if you're afraid of him... I thought you were brave

Todd: I am, but that doesn't make me stupid....

Enter the mysterious Mrs. Tickles, a little old lady who looked like any old granny. Sweet, charming and wise.

She didn't need to speak for the children to have affection and respect for her. Her first words were:

Hello children, welcome to your first grade, I am Mrs. tickles, your teacher.

And with kindness she continued...

Today, I will teach you something that will serve you for the rest of your lives. A value you will learn, if you manage to work as a team [...] Who knows, maybe even people who don't like each other will become friends.


Miko: Can you imagine me being friends with Tutu? (Laughs loudly)

Todd: (Laughs loudly)

Mrs Tickles: Is there anything you would like to share with the class?

Mmm you... What's your name?

Miko: Nicolas, but everyone calls me Miko.

Mrs Tickles: Well, Miko... Can you tell us the joke? So we can all laugh.

Miko: No, teacher. Mrs Tickles: I'm sorry.

Lilly: He's like that teacher, he's disrespectful.

Miko: And you're a nosy...

(They start arguing)

Mrs Tickles: Guys, Guys... Stop fighting, it doesn't solve anything. You Miko, I will change your place, you will go in the back with.... What's your name, sweetheart?

Tutu: My name is Tutu

Miko: No teacher, for the love of God... No!

Mrs. Tickles: Tutu... Would you accept Miko sitting next to you?

Tutu: Yes, why not? ?

Mrs. Tickles: See Miko? You can sit down, you have no excuses....