A Fateful Fight

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The two were now locked in battle. Sukaji was using the same techniques as he did in Alpha's dreams. However, this was not a dream, this was reality. She was able to fight back. With every offensive advance, Sukaji took, Alpha would fend off with defensive tactics. His katana would be met with her hammer.

In one instance, Sukaji was about to rush at Alpha. Using her hammer's head to keep her in place, she lands a jumping side kick to his abdomen. He has launched a fair distance away and landed almost on all fours. He looked up and remained smiling like a madman. "I see that you've picked up a few new tricks... But can you keep up with mine..?" He would slam his hands onto the ground. A shadowy hand emerges close to Alpha, the hand-scooped her up and wrapped around her waist. Sukaji held his hand up in front of him, showing that he was in control of the shadowy hand. Alpha struggled against it but to no avail. Sukaji swung his arm to the side as if flinging something. The hand would follow suit, hurling Alpha over to a wall. Luckily, she took control of her situation. Before she could hit the wall, she released a burst of wind that slowed her down. She stuck the landing and hopped off of the wall. This baffled Sukaji. "Blast it... You're even more resourceful than I'd imagine... I should have seen that coming from an elemental wielder..." He muttered. Gathering up his energy, he'd set himself ablaze with aura, he was about to charge at Alpha. While he charges at her, Alpha would start focusing. She released a bluster of wind, pushing Sukaji off course. She was about to charge at him when she saw him fall into his own shadow. Confused, the red hunter would start looking around, she knew Sukaji was out there somewhere. As she moved about she would constantly turn around, walking in spins. She couldn't detect anyone but herself. As much as she wanted to go and retrieve X, she knew that this fight was far from finished.

"Seems as if we're in a standstill Alpha. Why don't you just surrender yourself and your fiancé goes free?" She heard Sukaji's voice.
"Surrender to a fox-hearted scum like you? I'd rather die by the hands of another maverick...!" She'd reply. She backed herself up behind a pillar. She heard two clicks of reploid boots. Before she could turn around, she felt an arm wrap around her abdomen and a hand grabbed her face. The arms pressed her against who she could only assume was Sukaji.
"Is it death that you wish for?! I can give it to you!" He exclaimed. Alpha could hear Sukaji's katana ignite.
"I'm not ready to die just yet...!" Without a second thought, she swung her arm to elbow Sukaji in the gut, prompting him to loosen his grip on her. She twisted her way out and slammed Sukaji into the pillar, breaking it.

Rubble started to fall from the ceiling. Things were getting unstable. One wrong move and it could be over for both of them. While Sukaji kept his onslaught of offensive attacks, Alpha opted for more evasive tactics. Sukaji got her cornered close to where X was. She was forced to strike back. Just as he was about to slash her, she blocked the arm with his weapon and followed it up with a kick. He was sent flying, but Alpha wasn't done yet. She slammed her hammer on the ground as hard as she could, causing an earthquake. More debris started to fall. The whole ceiling was about to collapse. She would slam the ground again but with her fists this time. Rocks started to emerge from the ground. Alpha would bend the rocks to create a rocky barrier to protect herself and X from the falling debris. Outside she could hear Sukaji creating a barrier of his aura to protect himself from debris. It was a matter of waiting it out. 

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