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As she followed the lanterns, she started picking up a familiar signal: X's distress signal. Fearing for the worst Alpha would pick up the pace. She found herself in the center of the temple. She searched around. "X..?!?" The red hunter calls out. Soon enough she finds the blue hunter laying on his side. Close by him was a puddle of a strange liquid. Distraught, Alpha would start to approach him. "X..!!" She ran over to him. However, she was stopped in her tracks by a shadowy aura sphere. It hit just in front of her.

"Hold it right there Alpha...!" Sukaji's voice called out. Alpha looked around. Emerging from the shadows she could see a figure. A striking green eye pierced through the fog, followed by a sadistic grin. "It's been a long time... Since we've talked face to face." Sukaji gave her a taunting stare. Alpha stares back at him with intensity.
"You bastard... I'll never forgive you..."
"Oh really..?" Sukaji coyly raised an eyebrow. "Go on; what will you never forgive me for?"
"You already know... You were one of the very men that killed off the ones I once considered family. Because of you, the one I loved like a brother is dead... And now... You're trying to do something to my soulmate. I will not allow you to claim his life..!" Her hands curled into fists. She bore her teeth. Never before did she feel this much rage burn. Sukaji started laughing in response.
"How adorable... So the survivor is risking her life for someone she worked alongside? Oh, wait... It's more than that... You two planned on getting married eh?"
"Enough with the bluffs!" She finally snapped. Sukaji seemed taken back for a brief moment.
"Goodness... I was not expecting someone as gentle-hearted as you to get there... Your rage is burning like a volcano..." He inhales sharply. "Perhaps you learned that time X took me down, yes? Although it's not as big of a score as yours, I had a score to settle with him. Had he not interfered with my job initially, this may not have happened." He paced a few steps towards the wall. "But now that you're here, I might actually consider sparing him. You're the real target I was after." Sukaji turns back to Alpha with a menacing glare. He moved his bangs out of the way, revealing his left eye, which was glowing with a dark aura. He gripped the hilt of his blade in one hand and ignites it. "You knew that we would cross paths once more... There's no escaping this. And only one of us is getting out of this... with their life...!" Without any further warning, Sukaji made a sudden advance with an intent to strike Alpha down. This prompts her to pull her staff out and block his strike. The recoil caused Sukaji to skid back. She stood in a firm, defensive stance.
"I am not the little girl you met when we first crossed paths...!" Her defiant response was met with insane laughter.
"Oh really? Let's see how far you've gotten then...!"

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