Brotherly Counseling

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Alpha would find her brother, Zero, in his garden, tending to a few sunflowers. The red maverick hunter would look up and call out to her, "Morning Alph!" He cracks the most calming smile he has ever made in a while. "What have you been up to? I haven't seen you much lately.

"Good day Zero... Something hasn't been right as of late..."
"Hm? Something's not right? It's been one of the most peaceful peacetimes I've witnessed in a long time. What's bothering you?" He cocks an eyebrow out of confusion and tilts his head.

"Remember when you first took me in?" Zero would nod, prompting her to go on. "I've started getting nightmares from that time again... I keep losing to him despite throwing everything I got at him." He listens to her and after a bit of consideration pats her on the back to provide comfort.

"Well... I've had an experience similar where I had some recurring nightmares. At the time I didn't think much of them but the more I thought about them, the more confused I was... I am unsure if it was coincidence or if they were warnings, but something drastic happened days later." Zero sighs and pauses for a bit. "As for you, I advise that you try to figure out what this dream means. Maybe there's a message in there somewhere. You'll never know if your dream makes its way into reality."

"I suppose that makes sense... I really appreciate you listening to me, Zero." He chuckled a bit and rubbed his sister in between the ears.

"I'm always there for you little sis." He smiled warmly. Suddenly he reached for a small bunch of a plant and handed them to Alpha. "I don't want you getting stressed over those either, so take some of this lavender. I read somewhere that it's good for stress relief." Alpha couldn't help but smile. "Just.... don't tell anyone that I garden... I want to keep it a secret..."

"I trust you to keep my secret, so I shall return that courtesy and keep yours." She accepted the lavender. The two said their goodbyes and went on with their days.

However, Alpha had some lingering thoughts. She was not entirely sure what to take away from Zero's advice. She felt as if she needed to talk to someone else to either confirm what Zero said or contrast it.

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