Sun looked to the ground immediately and sighed.

"He doesn't deserve you."
He breathed out under his breath,
"Not with the comments he makes..."

I smiled and lifted his head to mine,

"He still needs to work on himself. I won't be nice to him until he does, understand?"

Sun nodded and wrapped his arms around my whole body. He pulled me close.

"Does Moondrop understand?"
I asked once more.

Sun's body twitched for a moment.
His eyes turned red and his face stayed puzzled.

Moon was clearly annoyed that I embarrassed him infront of Sun but I had to.

Once Sun's white eyes returned I spoke,
"Good. Moon understands too.
Now...the daycare should be opening any minute!"


Today's shift went by fast. Sun and I had a great time.
Since last night, I felt compelled to stay close to him. I wanted him to touch me again so badly.
The kids adored us and loved the positive vibes.

There was a moment were he actually gave my butt a squeeze.
He had chose a time where no one was paying attention, thank goodness.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself."
"Try harder then!" I snapped as I grabbed my paper, moving beside a different group of kids.
He laughed and brushed it off.

My attention was caught by Vanessa who probably came by to check that I was working.

I stood up and walked over to her quickly.

"Vanessa! I'm glad your here! I was hoping we could talk about something."

She looked confused, I guess I never really talked to her much in the first place.

"Uh, sure what is it. I'm on a time schedule here though."

I gave her an awkward smile as I brought up a difficult subject,
"Sooo... I've been spending more time with Moondrop lately."

Her eyes widened and she let out a huge

"I know what your thinking, and NO, we have not been doing anything like that.-"

I obviously lied to avoid embarrassment.
Her smirk got bigger and didn't seem like she believed me.

"-I've actually been having conversation. He has really changed, you know."
I continued.

She gave me a sweet smile,
"Keira. I think I know what you are doing."

"You do..?"

"You want to bring Nap time back, don't you?
It's the only reason you would ever bring Moondrop up in conversation."
The way she said it gave me some hope,

"Yeah actually, I think that if I am here to watch him, he will behave properly!
He really misses the kids!
He spends all his time locked away while Sun gets all the love, that must be hell for him, don't you think!?"

Sundrop/Moondrop x Female OC Smut StoryWhere stories live. Discover now