My burning sun will, some day, rise

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Takemichi lied, of course. He would say it counts as a white lie, given that his intentions were good. He genuinely did not want any of the Mizo middle to risk their safety for him. However, what Takuya confessed to him reminded him of a crucial task he had previously forgotten.

"Hina! I need to tell you something!" He shouted as he entered the hall, making eye contact with Hina, who was standing on the other side with several books in her hands. Out of surprise, she almost dropped them, giving him a perplexed and embarrassed look, given that Takemichi had also earned the attention of every other student present.

"In private." He added shyly.

Hina stared down at the bowing Takemichi. His face planted on the floor as he kept apologizing. She crossed her arms as she thought of what to say, briefly glancing towards the classroom's door where they were privately speaking.

In record time, Takemichi tried to explain what happened yesterday with Emma. It was a bit amusing how he seemed equally clueless on how he got himself in that situation, but to be honest, the conversation baffled Hina to silence, not exactly expecting it to go this route.

"I will accept any punishment, anything you want. If you want to break up with me, I will understand." He continued moping, still unable to look at her in the eyes.

"Shush, idiot. I'm angry at you. So let me think." She said as she bonked his head with a soft punch.

Takmeichi tried his best to nod, finally looking up and giving Hina the softest puppy-eyed look he could muster.

"I want to talk with Emma if that's alright."

At that, Takemichi nodded again, although more enthusiastically. It was an issue encompassing all three, so getting Emma involved seemed logical.

The only downside is that Emma actually knew what had exactly occurred before Takemichi leaped back, and if his past self did or said something idiotic, there would be no way of defending himself.

He would have to hope for the best.

All in all, the conversation went smoothly. Hina was mad at him, which was expected, but she was down with meeting Emma and talking to her. It was then Takemichi wondered what he had been so anxious about. Hina had always been a kind soul, perhaps too forgiving. It was evident from the start that she would hold no grudge towards Emma despite whatever could have happened.

Safe to remind that Hina was well-versed in self-defense via her weekly training, so her hit hurt more than Takemichi would admit. He rubbed his head, walking towards the school entrance in hopes of leaving as soon as possible.

Last night, what had happened was weird, yeah, bizarre and terrifying as well. However, it was not the time to mope for himself when Draken's life was at risk. Draken was so much more important than Takmeichi would ever be. He is the only one that can pull Mikey out of that dark future.

Takemichi crossed the street, ready to find Mikey and Draken.

"You. Ugly fuck."

Takemichi paused.

His breath stopped, and the cogs in his mind malfunctioned, leaving him speechless and frozen.

"Did you turn into a statue? Turn around, idiot."

The voice sounded annoyed as all hell. Takemichi did as instructed and turned around, slowly meeting blue eyes.

"Your hideous hair was burning my retinas."


There he stood, leaning against the school's entrance as he looked down on Takemichi. Out of instinct, Takemichi briefly touched a strand of his hair, wondering if all Sanzu could say was insults against him.

off to the racesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz