All the lights are sparkling for you, it seems

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Is this hell? This genuinely feels like hell. He got his own personal demon and everything.

The rush of adrenaline that traveled through his body was incomparable to anything else Sanzu had ever experienced, as if long threads were finally untangling, letting him see the big final picture. However, he was still very much confused about what was going on.

What was Takemichi doing here? Does he have some sort of magic charm that makes men jump off buildings around him? Seriously. This is the second time that Takemichi has been directly involved in someone's suicide with Sanzu as a witness.

The mop of black hair once again disappeared, and Sanzu did not dare look down at the corpse near his feet. It probably looked extremely suspicious of him to just walk the situation off, but he could not let Takemichi go.

He must be involved, somehow. Sanzu remembers clearly that he did not have Takemichi's contact, so must have not stayed in Toman in this present. Ugh. There were just so many questions and what it felt like not enough time.

Sanzu walked to the alleyway next to the club, hoping to sneak in through an exit door. There he found said exit connected to some metallic stairs. While leaning against them he tried to recollect his breath.

"I knew it was you." A voice chuckled, although it did not sound amused. "Your hair is like a sign, you know, screaming I am Sanzu and I am here. Seriously, you suck at espionage."

"You know that has never been my forte." Sanzu casually replied, meeting eye to eye with Hanma. Sanzu had to admit that the previous fugitive was looking quite proper, his ugly hairstyle gone and replaced with a more respectable relaxed and tousled style that complemented his bi-colored hair.

He should stop observing the wrong things, Sanzu thought, and instead focus on the gun pointed at him.

Hanma laughed, but his eyes remained stoic and dead. "You are not supposed to be here." He said, stepping closer to Sanzu. "I never thought you would go against Kisaki's orders, you've always been so obedient. What broke your resolve?"

If Sanzu was honest, he thought that Kisaki was on his way to meet with Mikey. It had been a stupid hunch, driven by his desperation and the tiny bits of information he had received since arriving in this present. But Takemichi was just as good a lead into understanding what was going on.

That wreck of a man always seemed to stick up his nose in everyone else's business. It was not far-fetched to think he must be involved in whatever is happening.

"Why is Takemichi here?" Sanzu asked back. No way was he going to reveal anything to a man that loved playing as Kisaki's attack dog. Hanma finally showed some emotion, his eyes widening at Sanzu's question.

"How do you know Takemichi?"

What kind of question is that? How wouldn't he know of Takemichi? Sanzu hated that pest of a man. He did. However, anything that was of importance to his king was important to him as well. It also seemed that he was a crucial piece of the puzzle that was this time-travel thing, given that he and Kisaki, a once-dead man, were somewhat correlated.

No other reason.

"Well. It doesn't matter. It would be better if you explained that directly to Kisaki, I'm just here to escort you to him." He then put the gun down. Sanzu may not have interacted with Hanma an awful lot before his disappearance, but pointing a gun at someone for no apparent reason seemed like his sort of humor. At least he now knew his life was not in immediate peril.

"Are we entering the club then?" Sanzu said, hoping to escape the creeping cold. It was then he noticed the continuous police sirens in the background, leaving him trapped in the alley alongside Hanma.

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