"Can I sit here?? The others in my compartment were annoying me and I needed to get away." A boy with platinum blond hair and grey eyes asked. He had an aristocratic robe that was supposed to make him look confident and proud, but instead he was nervous and uncomfortable.

"Sure. I'm Harry Potter and this is Percy Jackson." Harry introduced. The boy smiled.

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." The twins gasped. Was this boy related to the man who cursed Erin?? The Death Eater??

"Is your father a Death Eater??" Harry asked. Draco's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, but I'm not. That's why I had to get away from my last compartment. They were brought up to hate muggles and muggle-born, and my dad tried that with me too. But my stepmum heard me saying insults about them and stopped me from doing it again. I've never met my mum, my dad never wanted to talk about her, seeing as I was basically a mirror image of her." Draco rambled, then widened his eyes at all he said, his eyes quickly darting around, expecting taunts from the other two.

"I haven't exactly had the best home life either. Even though most muggles aren't that bad, I happened to be raised by some fearful of magic and I wasn't treated the best." Harry said, his eyes tearing up. Percy hugged and soothed him, reminding his twin that his mum would take care of Harry now.

"I apologize, I didn't mean to bring up bad memories. How about I buy something off the cart for you??" Draco asked. Harry nodded and Draco waved the trolley over. He ended up buying Harry some pumpkin juice and using some of their money the trio bought three of everything on the cart, with a couple more chocolate frogs each for the twins while Draco got extra licorice wands. They each got a Dumbledore card, and Harry got Merlin, Morgana and Agrippa, while Percy got Circe, Nicholas Flamel, and Cliodna. Draco got Hengist of Woodcroft, Ptolemy, and Paracelsus before they all decided to save the rest of their frogs for later and played a game with Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, where you had to eat a bean, no matter the flavor. You were out if you spit the bean out. Draco won the first time, having experience with the beans but after a couple rounds the other two started gaining an edge.

As they were eating their candy, the door opened to show a rotund boy. He looked very unsure of himself and worried.

"Have any of you seen a toad??" The boy asked. They shook their heads, but as the boy was about to leave Percy had an idea.

"Harry, let's use the summoning charm to locate his toad." The boy's eyes widened.

"The summoning charm's advanced magic for first years. Have you done it before??" The boy asked. The twins nodded.

"Be prepared to catch it, okay??" Harry said. The boy nodded.

"What's the toad's name??" Percy asked.

"T-Trevor." The boy stammered out.

"Accio Trevor!!" Percy said. The toad zoomed by after a few seconds and was caught by the boy.

"Thanks!! Hey, you're Harry Potter!!" The boy said.

"Yeah, and what's your name??" Harry asked, already sick of the recognition.

"I'm Neville Longbottom." Draco's eyes widened slightly. He stood up and faced Neville, who cringed a little.

"Neville, I must apologize for my actions a few years previous. I had not been in my right mindset at that time and I wish to seek your forgiveness." He said.

"I-I forgive you, Draco." Neville said, shocked at Draco's actions.

"Neville, would you like to sit with the three of us?? We've got more than enough room." Percy offered.

The Potter Twins: Heroes of Two Different WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now