The Finale.

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Leaves rustle beneath my feet as I reach the camp. I stare at a corpse, gasping. "Finnick?!" I practically scream as pain pierces my back. I guess something had stuck me, or something. All I could think was- "Up here." Calls Finnick. I sigh with instant relief, walking upward toward him. Filling with joy, I swiftly climb up the tree sitting beside him. "I.. I was worried." I look at the corpse, "You did that?!" He nods. I slide down the tree, waiting for him to do the same. I feel the camera's on us; and instinctively press my lips against Finnick's. They give off the same warm, soft presence. I pull away, "I.. I thought you had died. The thought.. It killed me,"
"Now imagine that for every single cannon shot." He jokes, but I sense the real fear behind it.

I eat the meat that was recently made, as I hear a scream of pain echo in the distance. Boom. My gaze instinctively bolts to Finnick, who is fine. With a jolt, I hear howling. Finnick looks to me, "The finale. We have to get to the Cornucopia- Quick!" I burst out, helping Finnick to his feet quickly. We race toward the Cornucopia, as I hear bushes rustling, and leaving being helplessly crushed. I run even faster, panting. I grab Finnick's hand, as the Cornucopia comes into sight. I race toward it, pushing Finnick quickly upwards onto it. I plunge myself onto it next, as a wolf tears skin from my ankle. I groan with pain, as I pull myself up by force. I listen as the wolf yelps, and falls to its side. I see them yowl, looking at each other. Suddenly, a thud comes from the other side. Boom, Boom. Two cannons sound. I think to myself, quickly discovering that the last tribute was on the other side of us. I pray that the wolves will finish them, yet that is not the case. They grip the Cornucopia, throwing themselves onto it. They dash toward me, as i lay helplessly on the hard metal of the Cornucopia . I stare up at the last career. A District one tribute. They have blood trickling from their head. They grasp my neck, leaving me to gasp for air. Well, that was quick thinking. I think to myself, and close my eyes. Awaiting death. I gasp, being able to breathe again. I see Finnick , who had dove on top of them and stabbed them. I look at him. What now? The wolves back off, as I stare at Finnick with horror. Boom. The cannon sounds for the Career. I hold out the green-tipped spear, and look at Finnick. "Go ahead." My heart seems to be pierced, yet not with the spear. My eyes wander to Finnick, and I drop my leather rack of knives. "I.." Finnick stares blankly. "You've earned it, Finn. You deserve to go back home, and live the life of a victor with your parents." I nod, my heart feeling squished. It was the truth, he deserved to live the life of a victor..

Peeta and Katniss stared at the screen, eyes wide. Katniss looked to Peeta, not wanting to admit she was wrong to judge Harley. Yet, she did so anyway. "Maybe I was wrong about that girl.." Peeta looks at her, simply nodding. He seemed too stressed to reply, wondering whether Harley, or his son would die tonight..

I stare at Finnick, waiting for him to make a move eagerly. He grabs a green-tipped knife , and plunges it into his stomach. I scream, dropping to my knees. With real tears. "Finnick!" I yell, and grab a knife. I look at him, not hesitating. I slowly begin to plunge the knife into my own stomach- When an announcement blares. "Stop! Stop!.." He seems panicked. "May I present, The winners of the 5th Hunger Games!" Trumpets blare, as I sob, pulling the knife from Finnick's stomach. Soon, it all goes into a blur.

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫    (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞.)Where stories live. Discover now