The Career Hunt.

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I gaze into them, "Won't you take a hint, Finnick! I.. I love you!" I suddenly yell, letting my head fall backward as rain flattens my hair to my head. "I love you too," He whispers. My heart sinks, as i begin to have many doubts.. He would be crushed, as i risk my life for him. I suddenly hear a branch snap, as i whirl around. I spot a shadow streaming through the tree's , I launch my axe into the shadows, as it lands on a tree. I quickly run to retrieve it, when i feel a sharp object rake my leg. I pull a knife from my belt, cutting a Tribute's face. They fall back, as i plunge my axe into their chest. I gasp for breath, as my leg bleeds out. I slowly slide down the tree, patting cloth to the stinging wound. "Im, Im fine." I grunt, as the wound feels like it's burning with pain. "We need to get somewhere hidden." He looks around, as I struggle to my feet. As I stand, blood gushes through the cloth. I fall back onto the tree, gripping a knife. I grunt as Finnick grabs my arm, I pull away. "I'm Fine." I spat again. "If you're fine, lets go." He says, I fumble over my feet to follow him. I step on a twig; which sent me falling into the ground roughly. "Harley, Look- Told you." He mutters as i fall. I shake, suddenly feeling cold. My shoulders shake, as i grab Finnick's hand, collapsing onto him. He carefully puts me back on my feet, as i continue to shake. The world seems to blur, as i look at Finnick's face. "You're not fine," He says softly, looking concerned. I look to Finnick, before collapsing against a tree, sliding down it. I shiver, looking down to my cut which spread across my leg. I see blue veins have spread from it, and with a jolt i realize. The knife that had cut me, contained poison. As my eyes begin to flutter shut, a faint beeping repeats in the air. My eyes close, as a headache appears. Iwhear indistinct murmuring from Finnick, but its all a blur. I feel a freezing cream-like thing touch my leg, as the blur seems to fade i blink rapidly. "Harley?" Finnick's words come back to me, as I smile. "Im- Im fine, you pest." My vision is still a bit blurred, but i just lean my head back onto the rough bark of the tree. "Last time you said that, you collapsed. Now come on, let's find a good spot to rest. We found water, and I'm sure there's edible plants around here. I can try to fish." He says thoughtfully. I shake my head, standing. The wound still grits with pain, but not as much. I feel I can jog, atleast. I look to him. "If you have any chance of winning, I need to take out the remaining career's." I watch as he nods, "Here's the plan. I'll begin to travel, and hunt them. If I don't, er, come back, it's up to you. I should be back by sunrise." I look at him, passion burning hot in my grey-tinted eyes. I nod as he rants on about finding food. I sling my leather wreath of knives around my shoulder, and pick up my axe. My heart sinks, as I desperately look for my bow and sheathe of arrows. Suddenly, I realize what is really going on. Someone is following us, and they had stole the bow. I hastily grab a knife, scanning the trees uneasily. I hear Finnick mutter something, as I spot a slim shadow. I quickly throw the knife, as it lands somewhere. I know it must have hit something, because I hear a ragged groan. I silently wait for a cannon to sound, as it doesn't I desperately squint, hoping to spot the same slim shadow. I blindly throw another knife, yet this time a body comes flying down from the tree. A cannon sounds, as my blade can be seen through their back. I shudder with disgust, and kick the person over. I retrieve the knife, and the bow and arrows. I look to Finnick, slinging the sheath of arrows easily around his back. I brush my hand along his forehead, ruffling his hair before I hold out the bow. I begin to set off as Finnick seems to practice with the bow.

Slowly, dawn breaks into the sky. I feel a sheathe of sweat gather on my forehead, as I suddenly hear indistinct chatter. I recognize the voice- a Career named Quine. I smugly grin, climbing soundlessly up a lanky tree. I begin to listen in on their chatter, "Yes. Harley so suddenly betrayed Alex. Honestly, I'm not surprised. A girl like that never deserves trust." Without thinking, I grow hot with rage. I deserve trust! They don't deserve my trust! I retrieve three knives, and breathe deeply. I pinpoint my two targets, which are huddled closely together. I stare, squinting my aim. I fling a knife into a head, as they fall backward the cannon fires. I watch as the other Career stands, flinging their head from side to side in panic. They begin to run, as I fling a knife straight into their stomach. Another cannon fires. After a hot second, a sharp object pierces my left shoulder. I breathe sharply, slowly shifting around in the tree. My head spins, as I practically fall out of the tree. I land somberly on the ground, and spot a long-haired tribute seeming to vanish through the tree's. I launch a knife, which so clearly misses. I leave the - sharp object in my arm, knowing it will prevent the bleeding from spreading quicker.

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫    (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞.)Where stories live. Discover now