Chapter 1

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Special Notes: This is the same Samcedes family from, 'NAME IN LIGHTS'. I received reviews about how a lot of ppl were in love with this family and decided to give them their own series of tales, called The MerSam Evans Tales. I Still have my fanon Samcedes family from 'A Gleeful Reunion' and my other two versions of Samcedes.  Samcedes and fam from 'A Gleeful Reunion' are my samcedes canon family version 1 and this is my Mersam canon family 2 while my 'Mr. and Mrs. Evans' series is my samcedes canon family version 3 ... so I have three different worlds of three different versions of Sam and Mercedes and their family and friends. I hope you enjoy this one, like my others.

Sounds of the musician Mikey is named after, flowed through the house as he walked from room to room. He could see the colors red and pink everywhere with flowers and hearts all over. His family seemed to celebrate every holiday, that mattered, very seriously. He passed his little sister, Sophie, in her room taking a nap. She probably fell asleep from all the soft singing of Michael Jackson that has been playing all day.

He stopped in the kitchen to see his mom, Mercedes Jones Evans, with a spatula in her hands. She scooped freshly baked cookies off a cookie sheet. He stood there and watched her placed them on wax paper so she could decorate them once they cooled. A smile lit her lips as she spoke. "Hi, baby. What's wrong?" Mikey shrugged his shoulders before he spoke. "I didn't say anything is wrong." Mercedes placed the last cookie on the paper before taking the baking gloves off to face her only son and oldest child. "You don't have to say anything, Michael. I'm your mother. We can sense when something is wrong with our babies." She said.

"Aww, mama. I'm not a baby. I'm eight years old." He told her. Mercedes held her hands up as she playfully rolled her eyes. "Well, excuse me! Mr. I -think-I'm-grown-because-I'm eight- years-old-man." She said as put her hands down and pulled him into her arms to hold. "But you were my first baby and you'll always be my baby. Now, what is it?" She asked him.

Mikey sighed as looked away. "I hate Valentine's day! I think it's a dumb holiday and it's only for girls!" He said before beginning to whine some. Mercedes was taken aback some as she looked at him. "Since when?" She asked him. "Since, always. Besides none of my friends and classmates at school like it either. A lot of other boys at school, don't like it neither." He told her. Mercedes gave a slow nod in understanding as Mikey continued. "Mama, I don't like all these hearts and flowers and stupid stuff. It's too girly! Even daddy would run away if he could." He said with a sigh.

Mercedes began to grin as she let him go and took his hand into hers. "You think so?" She asked him. "Yeah! Daddy is a man and he does manly things. Not decorate the house with hearts and flowers and play mushy music all day." Mikey told her with confidence.  "No offense mama, you are a girl and this is more your thing." Mikey informed her. Mercedes just laughed as she walked him down the hall to a private room. "You really think that this is all girly? And that I did all this?" She asked her son before she knocked on the door. "Well, yeah. Didn't you?" Mikey asked her, getting confused  when they heard a voice through the door.

"Yes?" The voice asked from the other side of the door. "Sam! Your son has a situation." Mercedes said through the door. The door opened before Sam Evans popped out his blondish-brown head out as he glanced at his wife and son. "My son, eh?" Sam said then glanced at Mikey. "What did he do?" Sam asked Mercedes as he looked at his gorgeous wife. "Your son hates Valentine's day and thinks it's girly. And that you being a man would never decorate the house in flowers, hearts, girly stuff, and play sappy music all day." She informed him. "That I being a girl, would." Mercedes told Sam as she gave her husband a look. Sam's eyes widened before he shook his head slowly. "Oh. Uh, oh. Come on in, son. We need to talk." Sam said ushering Mikey in before closing the door.

"I can't come in so we can talk to him together?" Mercedes said with a smirk. Sam opened the door again to give her side eye as he pursed his lips. "You know that's a 'hell,no'. He said then started to laugh. "You will find out what I am up to on Valentine's day. No, sooner." He told her. "Oh, alright." Mercedes rolled her eyes, playfully. "I don't know why Mikey thinks I'm crazy about this day." She said to Sam. "Me neither. But I love you anyway. And, you still won't find out until then." He said then kissed her before moving his head from the crack of the door and closing it once more.

Mercedes shook her head as she walked away mumbling with a smile. "Wait until our son finds out his daddy is the reason this holiday gets celebrated at all in this house." She said to no one while walking away. Sam locked the door and turned to see Mikey standing there in shock as he glanced around the room. "Dad, what's all this?" He asked as he stared at Valentine's stuff and gifts  around the room as he noticed the Ipad playing Michael Jackson. Sam shrugged with a smile as he went to take a seat. "The reason your mother wanted me to talk to you. Sorry to say son, but Valentine's day just isn't for girls."

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