Remember when we first met

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Sirius' POV
I was sitting in an empty compartment after escaping from a group of Slytherins(which included my cousins Bella and Cissa) who were planning on making me do Merlin knows what like bully a to-be Hufflepuff .


I saw the compartment door open and in stepped a boy with the most gorgeous honey brown curls I've seen he had blue eyes and was wearing jeans and an oversized sweater (that's what the muggles call it ,Right)
"Hey",the boy spoke softly ,a gentle flush creeping up his cheeks ."Is there any way I could um-Is there any way I could sit here?".

I grinned "Course ."

The boy took a seat opposite mine ,resting his rucksack in his lap so I could take a good look at him .He had scars all across his face but that wasn't what caught my attention - I had scars too and I knew damn well it wasn't something to ask about -it was the eyes those mesmerising light blue orbs with specks of turquoise mixed through .

The boy cleared his throat and I blinked ,realising I'd been staring at his face .I leaned back into the seat sheepishly .

"I'm Remus," the boy said putting his hand out for a shake "Remus Lupin."

"Sirius Black." I said taking his hand .

Before we could say anything else the compartment door opened and in came a voice"Oi,Black Remember me."

"How could I forget the fun we had that day ,Potter. "

James and I had originally met at one of those horrible Pureblood Congregations mom takes me too. We immediately became friends. James had stolen his mom's wand and we somehow managed to make everybody's robes turn bright turquoise. While James was grounded I got the very first beating of my life .Which didn't even happen when I accidentally turned Cissa's hair black when she teased me because I was short .How could I forget.

"James Potter ."He said introducing himself.

"Remus Lupin."

The compartment door opened once again and in stumbled a boy shorter than me ,wearing muggle clothes and carrying a trunk.

"He-Hello um Can I sit here."

I chuckled and said "Of Course. "

"I'm Peter- Peter Pettigrew."

"Which house do you think you're going to be in." I asked no one in particular.

"Gryffindor. "Said James without missing a beat .

"I'm thinking Ravenclaw."said Remus .

"I don't know- Hufflepuff maybe."said Peter

The compartment door opened yet again and in came the trolley witch
"Anything from the trolley dears."

"I don't have any money." said Peter .

"Give us two of everything." said James .

"We others have enough money, We can share."he said turning to Peter .

And we all chipped in. It was just enough .

We then had an exploding snap tournament. Which I and James won (of course).

But at the end of the night we'd decided that we were going to be Gryffindors

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