5. Safe Place

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Namjoon walked towards them, his triggered deep voice jabbing everyone's ears as he squeezed his husband's arms. Jin was puzzled but either way, he chose to not yell at the boy anymore. He didn't want to make Namjoon furious because of his words anymore. However, the elder continued glaring at the boy when Namjoon very professionally welcomed the other. He did not extend his hand for a handshake but didn't forget to greet the younger either, in a decent way, passing a small smile.

"Come inside, Taehyung... We've been waiting for you."

Namjoon said, side glancing at Yoongi who was behind him, eyes already settled on Taehyung. As he heard the words, the caramel-haired boy looked up, not getting his hopes high of being treated well in that home but he feels at least Namjoon will consider hearing his truth. It was a relief that he has Yoongi.

The moment he called and said his wish to Yoongi through the phone, the elder managed to set up a meeting with the family of Jeon Jeongguk, especially with Kim Namjoon. He too wanted to know more about the man. Yoongi was standing on the thin piece of ice when everyone was humiliating Taehyung like that. However, when Namjoon led the boy despite his husband's disgust on Taehyung, Yoongi felt a little relaxed.

"Where? Where are you taking him? Inside our house to treat him like a prince? Wow, Joon. This is what we were left to witness."

The harsh words coming from a rather high-pitched voice made the three males stop on their track, their postures toughening as they turned to face a new male, blond hair neatly combed and cheeks red because of the anger flowing through his body. Namjoon shut his eyes tight, unable to keep up his calm posture anymore because of the insulting phrases his family sent towards Taehyung.

Namjoon doesn't want this. He knows the truth. And he wanted his family to accept them too. Even after placing all the evidence in front of them, he didn't understand why they were not believing him. Maybe they're blind in their love for Jeongguk. Anyone who is in love with Jeon Jeongguk is blind. Blind to be loved back.

"Are you in your right mind, Joon? You're inviting him to our home? This... This murderer? He kill--"

"Jimin. He did nothing."

Namjoon tried, breathing out slowly, silently pleading to the person in his white shirt and blond hair, eyes boring holes in Taehyung's soul.


A name Taehyung hasn't ever been heard from anyone. Even though it's the first time meeting, the caramel-haired boy felt a string of his heart pulled away as he looked at Jimin's eyes. Hate. Anger. Everything was brimmed in that black orbs and Taehyung quivered, chest tightened at the unknown feeling overtaking him.

"Oh please, Joon. Stop your delusions. He killed our Jeongguk. And now he's here to take everything away from us. How could you believe this murder? He deserves to di---"

Jimin's stretched hand flew in the air towards Taehyung's cheeks, but the slap never came. There was a pin drop silence, a tormenting aura of pain and disgust, a haunting pause between truth and myths, and then everything fall back to its place.

Taehyung opened his mint green eyes, bewildered at the thought of why Jimin's hand never landed on his cheek. He met with a rather frantic sight.

It was Yoongi who stopped Jimin from slapping Taehyung.

The lawyer's hand tightly wrapped around Jimin's extended ones, squirming to release the hold of Yoongi, Jimin kept groaning and cursing at the lawyer. But Yoongi didn't budge. Not anymore.

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