" Ok, I get it. I'm sorry, it's true that I love you. I'm just afraid to be judge by others. " She breath out,  " But then, I realized everybody thinks the same way as we do. Some outside the palace might disagree and I'm afraid of that but I realized that in the end, their opinions doest matter because it's still you and I in the end. "

He look at her happily, sattisfied with her final answer. " I love you to the moon and back Mikasa." Hearing that, she teared up. She nodded happily, " I love you too."


She woke up at midnight sweating , the dream wasn't horrible like death unlike before, it was a kind of wholesome thing and she felt happy with that dream. It brings butterflies to her stomach. She likes how it felt. New night in a new city, the news said that deaths happen in this city a lot and the reason was because of an unknown serial killer. Surely it wouldn't hurt to relax in the balcony right? She took an apple and a knife with her, she opened the glass door to her balcony and once she's out, the cold wind breeze assualted her skin, making her shiver.  She sighed, trying to relax herself.

" Are the news real or are they for clout? Ah shit, I feel like I can't trust even the news."  She look up at the sky. " Ah, shit. The new job as a manager is queit exhausting, I didn't know why Mr. Erwin even chose me. I don't want to be in here but also the salary is higher than before so who am I to decline such wonderfully depressing decision."

Wonderful in such a way the salary is higher than her salary before, depressing because this place is where most crimes happens.  She stretched her arm around as she look at the night sky, her vision even though night is as perfect as her vision during mornings, it's advantageous and disadvantageous at the same time. 

" I didn't expect that we live next doors." The voice startled her, making her heart beat go wild as she look at his direction with wide eyes.

" Don't do that again."

" What did I even do?" He blink, Mikasa click her tounge in frustration.

" Startle me."

"Oh," He chuckled, " I knew it, you are really stalking me."

Mikasa look at him in disgust and snorted, she wasn't in the mood to argue with him today, probably not even tommorow because she can't sleep and when she can't sleep her whole day is ruined, which happened a lot of time and it also meant that if she didn't get a good sleep, she's annoyed the whole day.

" Why aren't you sleep yet?" 

" My body is not used to this place yet, that's why but also this place is so mysterious and it made feel like shit."

" The other day you look fine," He told her.

" Pretending to be fine, you mean? I had a lot of workloads, that's probably the reason why."
Their eyes met for the second time around, her stormy grey eyes and his viridian eyes stared at each other as if they were vaccum and they are sucking each other in.

Feeling a sense of familiarity in them, in those eyes she felt like she's seeing something else.

"All hail the Queen and King, the future is bright together with them." The people clocked in black and blurry faces said, Mikasa saw herself in a white dress holding a man and smiling at the people, they are repeating their chants.

" All hail the Queen and King, the future is bright together with them."

" It's you and I until the end of time."

" Eres Mi Reina, Mikasa."

" You are my king , My most beloved my dear."


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