1) Solitude

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Raven groaned and sat up. Ever since Nightwing had insisted that Beast Boy stop keeping her company at night, Raven had not been sleeping as well.

She had become accustomed to his warm body beside hers. They had tried to explain to the Titan leader that nothing was going on between them.

That they just felt more at ease sharing a bed. Nightwing had put his foot down however, and now they both slept alone. Raven hated sleeping alone.

She had enjoyed being close to the man she loved, even if they weren't doing anything. Raven banished the thought from her mind and rubbed her eyes.

She reached over the chicken that Beast Boy had given to her years ago and picked up her cloak. She threw it on and floated wearily towards her door.

On the way, Raven passed by her Hubble Space Telescope calendar. She noticed that the date was circled and written on the date was 'Garfield's 18th Birthday.'

She wondered what she should get for the shape-shifter for his birthday. Raven phased from her room to her favorite shop.

She began looking around, trying not to be distracted by things that would look good in her room.

She recognized a Gargoyle that Beast Boy had gotten for her for no apparent reason and smiled. She also kept an eye open for things that the other Titans might like for Christmas.

Although the holiday was just over a month away, she liked getting the shopping done early.

"Hello Raven," Raven looked up and smiled at the elderly patron of the store. "We've got scented candles on sale today, as well as carved picture frames."

"Thanks Tom," Raven nodded. "How's the family?"

"The granddaughters were very grateful for your autograph," he replied. Tom's granddaughters were both heavily goth, and idolized Raven.

"Eva's been asking about you. She happened to be here when your green friend came in. So naturally she's trying to play matchmaker." Raven chuckled.

Eva was a tough old lady who always wore black lipstick. Raven had enjoyed tea with her a few times.

"Hello Raven," Raven turned to see Red X behind her.

"Red X," Raven blinked. "What are you doing here?"

"Getting something for Rose," the former crook replied.

"Ah," Raven said. "Need help?"

"No," he shook his head. "I think I'm going to get her this." It was a tiny dragon carved out of ebony. Raven watched as the former thief shuffled over and paid for the carving.

"Really turning around aren't you?" she observed.

"Doing my best," Red X replied. "I don't want to let my Ravager down."

"Say 'hello' to her for me," Raven requested.

"Will do," he nodded. "See you later Raven." He disappeared.

"It's amazing the things we do for love," Tom shook his head. "I remember seeing him rob a bank just a few months ago, and now." He chuckled, before continuing,

"he's come in here with Ravager to have tea with Eva. Although, I think he was twitching by the end of it."

Raven chuckled. She left Tom behind the counter and continued to look around. She picked up some scented candles for Starfire.

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