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Yoongi had trouble sleeping that night, he constantly turned in his bed trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in, but just couldn't.

At such times he would crawl into the bed of one of his lovers, that always helped him sleep and if not it always led to other things that would tire him enough to fall asleep. But today he craved the newest addition to their family, his new lover and the last soulmate, Emily, but unfortunately she was not at home, and would not be for the next couple of days. She was on a trip to the hometown of her best friend, Anna, initially the others and he himself was not comfortable to let her go alone,  they were going to send Jungkook and Jimin with her, but she insisted that she didn't need bodyguards or someone to keep an eye on her 24/7.

She was also frustrated by the fact that one of them would always be with her at all times, so to say the least she was angry at them for treating her like a fragile doll, who always needed to be taken care of. They thought it would be better to let her be on her own to clear her head after what happened in the past few weeks the revelations were far too much for her to handle, which was understandable given how she was thrust into the supernatural world because of them.

So reluctantly they let her go, she left this morning, he wondered if she was asleep. He could always find out, he closed his eyes and reached for her, following the golden thread that lead him to her but his path was obstructed. This happened if she was awake but with little insistence he can always get past the barrier and talk to her.

He tried once again but the barrier wouldn't let him, he gave up after few tries she was getting good at blocking them while she was awake, not so when she was asleep though. And she could block them particularly well if she was mad at them, it frustrated him but he knew well than to push her, so he usually waited until she was calm enough to be reasoned with.

She would always talk to him first, it warmed his heart to know that she confided in him first whatever happened, which was odd because he was not the comforting type like Seokjin, Hoseok or Jimin, but she would always find him sharing everything and comforting him whenever he needed, she just knew when he needed her and she was always there for him with open arms.

It was part of their bond and also something more, he couldn't quite understand, but he didn't need to understand it, maybe this is what it felt like, to be in love, at this thought he couldn't keep from smiling, maybe when she returned he will tell her that he loved her, it made his heart swell when he thought about her saying it back to him.

He rolled over still grinning idiotically, he checked the time it was 1 am, if she is awake at this hour she must be having a great time with her friends' family, the thought made him content, happy. He got out of bed with a groan, and made his way to his office, if he wasn't going to sleep might as well do something productive. He went over several files, read few reports and signed documents, approved some requests. 

It was quarter past 2 when he felt sleep taking over his eyes, he got up from the table turned the lights of, as soon as he walked towards the door there was a burning sensation on his neck where the mark was.

He fell to the floor not because of the pain on the mark but from the searing sensation that was going through his head, the sensation felt like something was splitting his head in two, he was trying to gather his senses and concentrate on whose connection was it that was being scorched away. Then he saw her face flash before his eyes, and he panicked she was in danger someone was trying to break their bond.

He focused again through the pain, he saw her in a void their golden thread no longer binding them to each other he felt his other soul mates too beside him but they likely just woke up and did not know what was happening. She was floating away, he took a hold of her hand trying to pull her to him, he looked at her blank face she wasn't even trying to hold on, it confused him, while he stared at her she gave him a sad smile and her hand finally slipped away from his.

His screams echoed in the void and faded away as he woke up his on office floor. His forehead was beaded with sweat, he was breathing heavily he looked around disoriented and then pushed himself off the floor and made his way to Namjoon's room.

But he didn't need to as Namjoon was looking for him too, his appearance told Yoongi that he knew what just happened. They gathered in the study soon the others followed alarmed.

"What the hell just happened? I felt the bond slip," Hoseok said.

"It did," Yoongi replied knocking away the vase.

Namjoon flinched, "We need to find her now, the connection slipping that means we just cannot track her, Jungkook call Anna and ask her what happened? If they are OK."

"If they are OK, really? How can you think if she is ok? What if someone took her? Or worse?" Jimin asked angrily.

"We need to calm down and think rationally, we don't know if that happened, if she were in an accident and severely injured it gives the same response," Namjoon explains.

"That means a near death experience, yeah that sounds better!!!" Jimin counters sarcastically.  

Jungkook returns after finishing his call to Anna, all eyes turns to him, "Is she alright? Where is she?" Hoseok asks.

"She didn't know, she said she was in her room sleeping, when I asked her to check, she said she wasn't there."

It was as if all the air has been sucked out of the room Yoongi couldn't breathe, all he could see was her face with the sad smile before she was yanked away from him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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