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Caleb and I walked home alone because we could find Beatrice. one we got home we found Beatrice cutting carrots and I went beside her and helped while Caleb grabbed the bread and placed it on the counter

"What happened to you today? Where'd you go after your test?" He asked
"I got sick so they sent me home early"
"Did you finish your test?" I asked this time
"Hmm" she hummed in response
"What was your result?" He asked
"What was yours?" She replied
"Hey, aren't you gonna ask what I got?" I asked jokingly. they both looked at me then at each other and back at me and said together "Dauntless"
"I actually got candor," I said looking sad and turned around continuing to cut the carrots

"Really?" Caleb asked and Beatrice said "your lying"
"No fair you probably did that twin telepathy thing again I can never lie to you"
"It's just because I know you we don't have twin telepathy"
"Are you sure?"

The dining room was pitch black with only a light bulb in the middle of the table for the light. mother and father were on one side and Beatrice, Caleb and I on the other. Caleb was between me and Beatrice. it was silent until father started to talk

"Why did you just leave without telling anybody?"
"I was sick" she answered
"Beatrice, I don't think you understand the level of this right now, they're doing everything they can to discredit us right now," he said. You see, this is why I don't like our father he is always strict, I mean it's not her fault she was sick
"Wait who is?" She asked
"Erudite" mother answered this time and I noticed Caleb look up when she said that. OH, MY GOD, he's gonna transfer to erudite!

"They believe that they would be the governing faction, not us" she continued
"So you have to be careful right now, ok?" Father continued
"Even Marcus is under attack" Mother added

"For what?" Beatrice and I asked at the same time. Mother looked at father and he replied

"It's an old accusation. they said he mistreated his son and that's why the boy defected" in other words it's true and Tobias left because he was tired of getting beat up.
"Is it true?" She asked again
"No," father said and mother said "of course not, children defect for all kinds of reasons"
I noticed Beatrice looked down while I looked at Caleb and he looked back. I smiled I and hold his hand under the table when he looked up I tilted my head to the side silently asking if he was staying here and understanding what I asked, he shook his head.
Once we were done eating we brought our bowls to the kitchen because it was our turn to wash the dishes
"Don't take too long in here you need a good night sleep, for tomorrow," father said
"I umm, we love you" he finished and hugged Beatrice while mother hugged Caleb they then switched father hugged Caleb and mother hugged Beatrice when father and Caleb stopped hugging, mother and Beatrice stopped too. father was about to step up to hug me but I turned away and hugged mother. he couldn't decide to hug and pretend to care the day before the ceremony when all he ever did was tell me what I do wrong. when I stopped hugging mother they both left.

"Beatrice, tomorrow when we choose, you have to think of the family, but you also have to think of yourself," Caleb said and left to go to bed
"I love you sister," I told her before leaving too

In the morning I wore a pair of black jeans and a grey t-shirt. over that, I wore a plain grey long dress with a grey coat over it. I decided to put a pair of shoes Uriah got me, they were grey with a studded skull on each. I braided the side of my head and put it in a messy bun at the other side of my head.

When we walked into the hub we saw all the other 16 years old with their family, I looked at the dauntless and saw Uriah. a smile came to my face and when he noticed me he ran at me and hugged me, I could see his friends were shocked he was hugging an abnegation.

"Have you decided what fraction you're gonna choose, or are you staying in abnegation?" He asked and I lifted my dress so you could see the black pants and shoes and then I noticed his friends looking at me and smirked so I decided to answer Uriah's question before they could talk
"Are you serious? You think I would stay in that hell hole? My father told me he would lock the door and put bars at my window if I tried to sneak out again. I am not staying and anyway I'm following the test" I said with a smile
"You got dauntless"
"Well duh, when you scared me I broke your nose"
"You didn't break it"
"I heard it crack Uriah, don't lie"
He was about to respond when Caleb called me over

"Ya?" I asked then saw a woman in blue who was named Jeanine Matthews
"Hi I'm Briana," I said with a smile
"What a lovely name, you three have a big decision to make today. I'm sure your parents will support whatever choice you make"
"It's not supposed to be a choice, I mean, the test is supposed to tell us what to do," Beatrice and I said
"You're still free to choose"
"But you don't really want that"
"Beatrice" me and Caleb hissed at her
"I want you to choose who you truly are. and where you truly belong. not on a win, not because you wish you were someone your not. but because you honestly know yourself. I want you to choose wisely. and I know you will"

After that, we went and sat down and Jeanine began her speech.
"The faction system is a living being composed of cells, all of you. and the only way it can survive and thrive is for each of you to claim your rightful place. the future belongs to the ones who know where they belong"

Then it was Marcus
"When we leave this room, you will no longer be dependence but full members of our society. faction before blood" we all repeated "faction before blood" and then it started. Mother took Beatrice's hand and said "I love you no matter what"

"Johnathon Ziegler" an Erudite boy stood up, went to the bowls, he cut his and let the blood drop in the Erudite bowl.

"Jeffery James-"a dauntless boy "-Dauntless"
"Morgan Stones-" a candor boy "-Amity"
"Clair Satra-" "-Candor" and it went on until he reached us

"Caleb Prior" Caleb stood up and cut his hand and looked at me, I nodded and he dropped the blood in the Erudite bowl. gasped were heard from the abnegation and claps from Erudite. now was my turn

"Briana Prior" I jogged down the stair and earned disapproving looks from abnegation but smiles from Dauntless. I grabbed the knife, looked at Uriah, he gave me two thumbs up. I smiled and cut my hand and without hesitation unlike Caleb, and placed my hand over the dauntless bowl. gasps were heard again but were drowned by the cheering. I ran to the dauntless side of the room and was hugged by Uriah.
It was now Beatrice's turn. it took longer for her to choose but she finally chose dauntlessly



Briana Prior  ❦❦  DivergentWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu