Yoonmin FF

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Author pov
Jimin is in the living room with Amira sleeping when hoseok walked in

Sunshine:thanks, guess what I got you a job
Jimin:you did, that's why I love you

Jimin stood up and hug him

Sunshine:is actually my very good friend, I ran into him today I told him about you and he said he will give you a job in His company
Jimin:thank you hobi, I'm really really really grateful
Sunshine:if I don't do it for you who will I do it for then
Jimin: you're amazing, come come you need to eat
Sunshine:what did you make?
Jimin: you're favorite of course
Sunshine: That's exactly what am really craving for

Sunshine sat down at the dinning table, Jimin then served him

Author pov
The next day, sunshine and Jimin Arrived at THG Itd, They walked in

Sunshine:good morning
Receptionist:good morning sir, how may I help you?
Sunshine:please is Mr Taehyung around?
Receptionist:yes, he's in

Sunshine turned To see Taehyung coming out, they shook hands

Taehyung:I was expecting You since in the morning
Sunshine:sorry am late i had to be somewhere before coming here
Taehyung:it's fine
Sunshine: heres my brother I told you about you

Jimin bow and greeted

Taehyung:welcome, Please come with me

They left to Taehyung office

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