Chapter 9 Revisited: Hola, Casita

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The Madrigals searched everywhere for Mirabel, only to have no positive result at this point.

Emilia felt nothing but dread; This entire situation felt much too similar to when Bruno had dissapeared all those years ago. Speaking of which, neither Emilia or her children had seen him yet. Where had he gone now?

Emilia was helping search for Mirabel when, out of nowhere, she was pulled behind a tree. She immediately spun around, ready to fight whoever was about to attack her. Emilia let out a huge breath of relief when she reliazed that it was Bruno.

"Oh thank god!" she exclaimed, hugging her husband so enthusiastically that they both fell to the ground. She peppered his face with kisses and he then pulled her closer, returning the kiss. Quickly, composing themselves, they picked themselves off the ground.

"I know where Mirabel is, but we should probably hurry" Bruno told his wife.

That was great to hear! But how were they going to catch up to Mirabel?

Emilia had a perfect idea.

"I know someone who owes me a favor" she said.

Even from far away, every Madrigal could be heard as they called out for Mirabel.

The group of children from earlier, Juancho, Alejandra, and Cecilia, were currently standing together while in the middle of a conversation. They were discussing Mirabel and her sudden dissapearance; they were worried about the kind teenager that would sometimes tell them the best stories.

"They haven't found her yet?" Cecilia asked, genuine concern on her face.

The Madrigal family walked farther into the trees, still hoping for a response from Mirabel.
Dolores and Rosa tried to listen for their cousin, sharing a sad look when they remembered that they no longer had a gift to help them find her.

It was Alma that found the first trace of Mirabel, a single pink thread that was caught on a thorn. Alma was now certain she knew where to find her granddaughter; and she was correct.

Mirabel sat crying by the side of the river, heartbroken. She was dissapointed in herself, feeling like she had let her entire family down.

Soon Mirabel heard the sound of footsteps behind her, which was revealed to be her Abuela.

"Mirabel" was all Alma said as she cautiously approached her granddaughter.

Mirabel continued to sniffle and cry softly. She spoke after a moment.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt us" Mirabel told Alma. "I just wanted to be something I'm not."

Mirabel cried some more as Alma stood in place, trying to understand. Eventually she  sat, silent, beside her granddaughter. Alma did not say anything for quite some time.

"I've never been able to come back here" she  spoke, looking towards the beautiful, tranquil landscspe. "This river is where we were...given our miracle."

Mirabel turned her gaze towards Alma, surprised to discover just how significant this place was. 

"Where Abuelo Pedro..." Mirabel tried to ask, unable to finish the sentence.

"I thought we would have a different life" said Alma, sadly. "I thought I would be a different woman..."

Mirabel listened attentively as Alma confided in Mirabel; Alma revealing the entire heartbreaking account of what truly had happened the night her husband was taken from her.

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