Chapter 1 Revisited: A Backstory

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Many years ago, in a time of great sorrow, there was a desperate, fleeing group of people who were seeking refuge. Among this group were Pedro and Alma Madrigal, along with their three infants: Pepa, Bruno, and Julieta. Unfortunately, circumstances saw the untimely passing of Pedro. However, from this tragedy came something quite unexpected..... a miracle. From a single candle came magic that provided protection and support in the form of what was referred to as "Casita".

It wasn't long after the miracle, that Alma one night heard a frantic knocking at Casita's front door. Crawling out of bed and descending the long staircase, Alma wondered what could have possibly brought anyone here at such a late hour. Upon opening the door, she was met by a man and a woman; the latter of which who was currently cradling a baby girl in her arms.

"Good evening. Is everything alright?" Alma questioned, eyes fixed on the infant.

The couple shared a look before finally addressing Alma. "Well..." The man began moving closer towards Alma, who looked back at the couple in curiosity. Continuing, the couple explained.

"My wife, our friends, and I fled here" The man said to Alma.

"But.... only we made it" Added the woman, tearing up.

These words deeply resonated with Alma, who placed a hand on the woman's shoulder in sympathy.

"Why don't we talk inside?" Alma offered.

Alma served Juan and Mia, as she learned their names were, coffee. As Alma placed a cup in front Mia, she offered to hold the baby while they chatted. Alma held the fussing infant, lightly rocking her back and forth until she was asleep.

"What is her name?" Alma asked.

"Emilia" The couple responded together.

"Our friends' daughter" Juan explained, using an arm to pull Mia closer.

Alma felt sympathy for the child; having both parent's just.... gone....

Refilling their coffees with one hand, Alma turned her attention back to the newcommers.

"Did you come here for assistance?" She asked, "is there something I can do?"

Juan and Mia shared a look with eachother.

"We were, um, hoping..." Mia began

"That perhaps you may be gracious enough to take Emilia into your home" Juan suggested.

Shocked at the offer, Alma directed her attention back to the couple.

"I am not understanding...." She said, "you don't want her?"

Their eyes went wide.

"No, no, we do! We love her very much!" Said Mia

"But, we simply do not have the means to care for her; we can hardly care for ourselves" Juan explained.

Alma was stunned. They were asking a lot of her; Alma doubted she'd be able to handle it.

"We know you already have three children of your own, but you are simply the best choice; we are confident that Emilia would be safe with you in this Casita" Juan said.

"Please, we would not be asking if we felt we had any other choice," Mia added, "We do not plan to remain in this village for much longer; we must keep moving".

Alma looked down at the now sleeping Emilia.

It had not been long, but the woman could already feel herself developing some sort of attachment to the little girl. How could she not help?

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