Bonus Chapter: A Wedding

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A/N: Hi everyone! I felt inspired and decided to write a chapter that detailed the wedding of Emilia and Bruno. I will now return to working on the main story, but for now I hope you enjoy this bonus chapter :)

When the village first discovered that Bruno had proposed to Emilia, no one was surprised. The two had been together for three years, and it was obvious to everyone just how much they were meant for each other; you would rarely see one without the other. 

The night before the wedding seemed to drag on for the both of them, as they weren't supposed to see each other at all until the next day. Tonight happened to be one of those nights when she simply could not sleep, and she wished she was able to go see Bruno like she usually would have. Bruno, in his room, was a bundle of mixed emotions. Of course he was more than excited to marry the love of his life, but what if his awkwardness allowed him to somehow ruin the ceremony? He wished Emilia was there to reassure him....

Morning finally came, and what a joyous day it was! Early that day, Pepa and Julieta made their way into Emilia's room to wake up the sleepy bride and help get her ready. As they prepared, Emilia found that they were a great help in making her look presentable; she had never needed to dress this nicely before, so she was slightly clueless on the matter.

Emilia was thankful to have such wonderful friends, and soon to be sister-in-laws, in her life. Not long after getting ready,  Emilia could not possibly smile any wider. Bruno, despite all his worries, beautifully serenaded her her in front of his mother and sisters. Whenever Emilia would think back on this day, she'd always say that this moment was one of her most treasured. He had looked handsome in his guayabera, although she still had a preference for the ruanas she often made for him.

Shortly afterwards on the way to the church, Emilia kept mentally rehearsing the ceremony in her head; she wanted this day to go as smoothly as possible. Emilia didn't think anything too terrible could happen...... like maybe a hurricane, but she would hate to embarrass herself. Oh well, it was now or never...


So far, the ceremony had gone well, much to the relief of both the bride and groom. Alma had been by far the most emotional throughout the day, failing to hide her tears. Emilia kept resisting the urge to fiddle with her mantilla, attempting to stay focused. But... it was so hard to do so, as she kept sneaking glances at her very-soon-to-be husband. Bruno noticed and gave Emilia a gentle smile in return. He had always thought that she was beautiful, and today was certainly no different. How had he been so lucky to be getting married to his best friend? She was wondering the same thing.

Soon, the two exchanged rings and prepared for the final portion of the ceremony. Emilia took a candle and lit it, while Bruno did the same. Next, at the same time, the both of them used their candles to light a third candle placed between them. All that was left to do was for them to blow out their individual candles, and leave the church together as they both held the candle that they lit together. They successfully made it through the hardest portion of the day.

The rest of the night was a blur of food, song, and dance. Against all odds, the entire event had been perfect. All that was technically left was to get through tomorrow's Asado. Emilia, although not much of a dancer, was having a great time with her new husband, as he excitedly taught her a funny new dance he came up with. There was also the torta negra to look forward to that Julieta had made;  delicious as anything else that woman created.

Emilia was sitting with Bruno, Alma, Julieta, and Pepa while the other partygoers enjoyed themselves. Bruno had just taken a bite of some cake when Alma slyly asked Emilia if there would be any grandchildren soon. Pepa and Julieta giggled as a red-faced Emilia frantically patted the back of a wide-eyed and coughing Bruno.

A few days later, Bruno and Emilia spent an afternoon moving all her things to his room. At this point she was so used to spending time in there that it wouldn't really be that much of an adjustment. There was something always soothing about the constantly falling sand and wide, cave-like areas. She initially wondered what would happen to her door once she finished moving out of her room, but surprisingly nothing ever happened.

The door still glowed, and the room simply remained there. She never really used it until many years later when Bruno had left her and the family. But for the time being, as a newlywed, all she saw was a lifetime of happiness, and a long future with the ones she loved.

Encanto: Bruno Madrigal x OcOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora