Chapter 2) recovery

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You woke up smelling the air and breathing in deeply while stretching. You then remember everything that had happened last night. You giggled quietly and looked over to see Pete sleeping with his mouth open, then he started mumbling a little. You smiled and then quietly got up to get dressed and wash your face. After you did that you layer back in bed for a little and went on your phone waiting for Pete to wake up. You scrolled through social media for a while and looked at the time, it was 9:26am. You were getting impatient waiting and thought it was kinda weird to wait since you weren't really dating and you just had sex last night and hadn't talked about it. So you got up and started watching TV in the living room while eating a bowl of cereal. You put your bowl away and then Pete came out of the room walking towards you. "Morning" he winked at you which made you feel crazy. You smiled a little. "How did you sleep?" He said while Pouring himself a glass of water. "Good except for your loud ass snoring. Fucking lawn mower." You laughed as he rolled his eyes playfully and it became a little silent and awkward. "So about last night" you said interrupting the silence. "Are we like..more than friends?" You look away trying not to make eye contact. You could see him in the corner of your eye staring at you as he put his glass of water down. "Do you wanna be?" He said leaning against the counter. 

You looked up at him and thought it was the right time to tell him how you felt, for about a year and a half you felt something for him. And you just had sex, that's not really something friends do. "Well honestly..I've felt some way for a while now, and last night was great. But people don't really fuck as friends, so yeah I wanna be more then friends." You said proudly but a little scared considering you didn't know how he felt about this. He tilted his head a little and smiled. "Then fuck it, let's be more then friends." He said about to take another drink from his water. You were so excited and so happy that you wanted to hug him but it might be a little soon, you wanted to jump up in excitement but you hid it all with a smile. A big smile.


Pete jumped on the couch as you were already on it just scrolling through social media as he started to lay his head on your lap and you looked down at him with a smile. You lightly tapped his nose with your finger. He sat up and looked at you "what the fuck was that" he said with a toothy smile. "You have a cute nose" you said while staring at his nose, it was in fact cute. Everything about him you thought was cute. He then kissed you and placed his hand on your neck while he did it. You then pulled away "what do you want for dinner?" He frowned a little over you pulling away but then he looked around like he was thinking. "Ramen noodles." He said with a straight face. "Again? We had those like two days ago" you laughed while getting up to walk to the kitchen. "They're easy to make and fucking delicious." He raised his voice so you could hear him. He was right, ramen was pretty good. 

After you made ramen you handed him his ramen and you both sat at the dining table to eat. He ate the noodles in what felt like 30 seconds, but actually only about 2 minutes. "Holy shit, did you even chew?" You laughed as he looked up at you and smiled. He threw away the empty ramen container as you finished up yours a little later. "Can we just like cuddle and watch something pleaaaase" you begged him. He picked you up suddenly and carried you to the room. His big hands touching your legs and you looked up at him, he was focused on getting you to the room but his jawline looked so sharp and his lips looked so nice, almost tasty. Crazy enough you guys hadn't had sex since that night, just cuddling and physical affection, but not sex. You were almost desperate. But you were tired and thought, maybe tomorrow. He gently dropped you on the bed as you both laid down you put your arm around his stomach and lifted up your leg and put it over his. He put his arm around you and kissed your head twice. You then turned on the TV while you guys watched spongebob. He felt so warm and like the perfect pillow. You were so comfortable as he was too. He smelled good and you looked up at him. "We should go somewhere tomorrow." He looked back down at you. "Where should we go?" He moved the hair out of your face and smiled slightly. "I don't know like anywhere? What about like a fancy restaurant and we can dress super fancy and eat fancy food and feel like rich people. Well except you're rich." You said laughing at yourself and at the idea. He was smiling big and seemed like he liked the idea. "Sounds good to me, let's do it." He said while running his fingers through your hair and playing with it. You couldn't be any happier, this was perfect.

Pete Davidson  X     ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon